Donald Trump Disavows “Alt-Right ” Groups – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Disavows “Alt-Right ” Groups

There. Done. Next.


President-elect Donald Trump denied Tuesday that he did anything to energize the “alt-right” movement through his presidential campaign and sought to distance himself from it…

“I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group,” Trump told a group of New York Times reporters and columnists during a meeting at the newspaper’s headquarters in New York.

“It’s not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why,” he added, according to one of the Times reporters in the room, Michael Grynbaum.
Trump offered up the condemnation of the alt-right, a far-right political movement rife with white nationalist, anti-Semitic and racist ideologies, after The New York Times’ executive editor Dean Baquet asked Trump if he feels he did things to energize the alt-right.
Trump’s comments come days after Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and leading figure in the alt-right, delivered a racist and anti-Semitic address to a gathering of the group’s members in which he declared, emphatically, “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!”
Spencer’s chants prompted some audience members to raise their right hand in an apparent Nazi salute.
There are people who think Trump is a progressive, there are people who think he’s a RINO, there are people who think he’s a conservative, there are people who think he’s a democrat, there are people who think he’s a NAZI, there are people who think he’s a Jew hater, there are people who think he’s a Jew sympathizer, and there are people who think he’s just a moron. i think I know who the morons are.
How about we let Trump govern? Then you’ll know how to label him. In the meantime, stfu, okay?

27 Comments on Donald Trump Disavows “Alt-Right ” Groups

  1. So . . . Trump gassed the Alt-Right?

    Isn’t the media still telling us that Bannon is the titular head of the Alt-Right?

    I hope Milo takes this crushing news well. He might even faint.

  2. My head is swimming trying to discern what Alt-Right means. I thought Breitbart News was Alt Right and all I see there is- unbiased news. I don’t see Nazi propaganda and such. The ghost of Andrew would haunt the editors if that was the case.


  3. I missed the memo. Splain to me the difference between all of these subfactions. Paleoconservative, neoconservative, alt right. Who made up all of this?

    Wait a minute. The left did this to distract us from their own Factionalism. The poopypants left, crybaby left, the wanton cop killer left and the nazi left.

    You know what? Fuck these idiots that toss labels about. No. seriously.

  4. alt-right is racist. Same as Conservative, Republican, Neo-con, or anything else not locked in step liberal. If you are not a liberal, you are alt-right. On top of that you are a islamaphobe, a homophobe, a misogynist, xenophobe, climaphobe, solarphobe, windaphobe, oilphobe and more! Grab a hand rail, this ride is gonna get bumpy.

  5. Hey, I’ll take Alt-R over Ctr-L any day.

    Menderman nailed it. They keep using the alt-right to describe anyone not obviously or inherently left. Get used to it: if you’re not racist, bigot, homophobe, islamophobe, but still not a lefty, you must hold those beliefs secretly. Like hidden even from yourself. Labeling is about all these people have left. Except for fake news stories.

    Joking aside, there is a statistically insignificant – though loud – number of racists and anti-Semites, and I’m glad to see him saying nope, not us (I still get a jolt when I see posts online with the “((()))”) crap, but he’s going to be fairly adroit at it, to avoid it turning into one of those have you stopped beating your wife loops.

  6. I don’t even know what the fuck an alt right is. from what clinton news network is describing, it is 0bama’s revrum and everyone on univision and msnbc. They could both be alt left and alt right. WHATEVER.

    When I describe Breitbart and the others, I call them Conservative Media, or the media that the media is supposed to behave like.

  7. The insane and dishonest leftist media has tagged all conservatives with the “whitelash”/Alt-Right label. It supports their narrative and so that’s what the people who elected Trump are. They still are in utter disbelief that Trump is going to be president. The bubble people.

    But the Alt-Right that Trump is denouncing are the real white nationalists who are part of the whole NAZI vibe, who want to resurrect the Bund movement. Well, technically, he is their president, too. No worse, I suppose, than the Alt-Left who think all whites are racists.

  8. Breitbart isn’t, nor has it ever been, connected to the Alt Right. The funniest part of all of this? The people on the right freaking out about it and pretending like Republicans haven’t been and aren’t always gonna be called neoNazis, Nazis, KKK, etc., is just stupid. Who cares what people you don’t respect and that hate you, think? BFD, for real.

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