I knew this guy was a lefty – IOTW Report

I knew this guy was a lefty

My spidey sense is still strong. When I first saw this clip I felt like I was watching 2 lefties pretending to be conservatives.

Two guys were trying to recruit electors to not vote for Trump. So far they’ve secured 6 rebel electors.

In the clip fromTucker Carlson’s show, Michael Baca (on right) pretends to be a conservative. The Daily Mail has identified him as a democrat.

The guy on the left doesn’t inspire me with any faith that he’s telling the truth about who he is, either.

HT/ illustr8r

17 Comments on I knew this guy was a lefty

  1. Heh, I hope they pull it off. It’ll be the permanent end of the left in this country. We will be short rope a lamp posts but somebody should let these two ass holes know that the popular vote will hang them first.

  2. The campaign was designed to win the Electoral vote not the popular vote. How many republicans in NY, CA and MA don’t even bother voting? Trump would have run a totally different campaign had the objective been different.
    Fuck the Left!

  3. The whiny SOBs are dem electors–WA and CO. Of course they want “Hamilton” pubbies.
    Also is there such a thing as a “former” Marine? According to my loveable Jarhead brother, there isn’t.

  4. After watching the interview, these guys are even loonier than I thought. The one guy, who stated that Trump is surrounded by white supremecists and then tried to deny it when Tucker called him out, said that maybe Kasich would be a good choice for the electors to make.

    Kasich and 15 other Repubicans didn’t even get a majority of Republican votes. Maybe they should push for an electoral college battle between kasich and Sanders – neither of whom who could even get the nomination of their party. Or maybe the debate should be between Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Or me – I didn’t even run, but I’m putting my hat into the ring at the electoral college.

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