Mathew Blanchfield – 1st in Idiocy – IOTW Report

Mathew Blanchfield – 1st in Idiocy

I want this guy to bake me a Donald Trump cake.

Wash Times-

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

“We ask you, our current clients, to please respond to this letter and confirm where you stand politically. If you are a Republican or support Trump, we will no longer serve you,” he wrote. “To our Democrat and Progressive clients, we want to recommit to you that we will continue to work diligently to improve your internet marketing results in this quickly changing world.”

In an interview this week with KOB, a local NBC News affiliate, Mr. Blanchfield said he had a “moral obligation” to stand up for what he believes is right.

ht/ nm

53 Comments on Mathew Blanchfield – 1st in Idiocy

  1. I may never understand how these libs can be so blind to their own two faced, double standards. Too bad this asshole isn’t in Oregon, that would make for an interesting test case.

  2. When asked during the interview about the financial loss he stated: “The expense financially to me is immaterial”. Is it material to your employees ass*ole? It sounds like this guy is well off and wouldn’t hesitate to layoff staff when business tanks just to keep his smug level up high. If his key staff are smart they’re filling out resumes even now.

  3. I hope some conservative on his payroll sabotages his entire operation, sends out to the twitter world his trade secrets, his client lists, and he gets his skinny gay teats caught in the wringer. He can refuse service to anyone he pleases, but his creditors can refuse to honor agreements and call in all his notes. I hear you can sell ISP business on the street corners….NOT. Carry on dragon slayer bitch. Don’t get your ass scorched.

  4. According to this guy’s LinkedIn, he’s a partner in this operation. Doesn’t say CEO specifically. I wonder what the other partner(s) thinks about his position.

    His LinkedIn also shows he’s a firefighter in Albuquerque. I wonder if he checks political affiliation before responding to an emergency.

    And as said above, I wonder how he’d react to his political credentials being checked prior to receiving goods and services via normal commerce.

  5. I went to his webpage. opened the reviews and for every planted five star same worded bs review, there were 10 times the negatives about how he tanked the reviewer’s web business, how he is overpriced, how he is bigoted, how he is intolerant, how he is not talented nor a genius, how he is a biased Lefty Progtard who loves Cankles more than sliced bread.

  6. hmmm a (volunteer?) firefighter? Wonder how the other firemen will take to having a fairy twinkle toes in the bunkhouse with them? Not too well i would guess. Something tells me his little hissy fit is going to take him down, and show him rock bottom. ENJOY!

  7. @KMM:

    His LinkedIn also shows he’s a firefighter in Albuquerque. I wonder if he checks political affiliation before responding to an emergency.

    I wonder how he’d like it if he had a house fire or needed an ambulance and a Trump-supporting emergency crew decided they weren’t willing to “do business” with him.

    Insufferable collectivist prig.

  8. Monetary gain is immaterial to him, he has a moral obligation to speak out.

    Seeing as how he’s sitting on his microfiber cat urine soaked sofa, I have a feeling he doesn’t have much to lose. Looser.

  9. I wonder if this caitiff,Blanchfield, realizes that everything ho owns; house, car, delivery trucks, furniture. kitchen appliances,
    every damn thing, may have had a Trump supporter involved in the making? Big time paranoia here.

  10. What a loser! I am sure people will be happy to take their business elsewhere. We need a list of Amerikan companies like this to boycott. Let these liberal wennies learn what the free market can due to people that are assholes!

  11. Regarding the arrogant ignoramus Matthew Blanchfield: Now I know why the JACKASS is the symbol of the Democratic party! Hee Haw I hope his business goes bust! Hey Liberal! Tell me again why everyone else but you are not tolerant? If Christians can’t refuse homosexuals, and have to pay fines, someone needs to sue this jerk and collect!

  12. A conservative Christian should sue him for discrimination based on religious beliefs and take about $180,000 of his money and tie him up in court for 2 years. Give him the f.u. That he deserves.

  13. I pity this poor unfortunate soul. He will never understand that all of the things that he is so terrified of is looking back at him in the mirror. He is cursed to live his life trying to rid the world of all of the horrible things that he is.

  14. OK so even if I were a dem using his business, what makes me confident that he won’t go full paranoid and think I’m really a Rep trying to screw with his mind?
    On the other hand, his mind is pretty much screwed up and maybe no one should be doing any business with him after this statement.

    And if this does start hurting his wallet, how long until he comes out with another statement saying he was drunk that entire time and he’s awfully sorry?

  15. Unlike the NRO/Buckleyite/Ex-Troskyite/Regressive Republican/TWS/Goldbergian/
    Kristolite/Podheretz elitest portion of the party that has always wanted to be loved by the Dems/media & invited to all the right Dupont Circle dinner parties, hopefully now, the newer, younger, tougher brand of Republicans have learned to mimic the Progressive dipshit Marxists & their faithful use of Alinskyite tactics.
    Make them live up to their own standards, folks. Take this nut down. End this SJW war, by playing it better and smarter (the latter is obviously implied when your side of the fight has the triple digit IQs) than those zombie dolts without jobs & $$$.

  16. CEO Ms. Mathew Blanchfield is following Donald Trump’s wisdom by making the press cover him for saying things that are crazy! Like Trump saying I can shoot some and not lose a vote is the same as Ms Mathew Blanchfield saying I can piss on Trump supporters or refuse them service, and surprise just like Trump he get free Press! He is smart and he has his degree with honors from Trump University!

  17. New Mexico trip just canceled. Some, seriously we need a DNA sample from this seriously flawed thing. He spoke of “moral principle” on Tucker’s show, where he was mentally destroyed. Any wonder that freaky liberals do not hold power in the White House, The Senate,& The House? They lost nine state governorships. Hillary Clinton morally okay? His medication is failing him horribly. Triple the dose Matt! 6x daily!

  18. I run a digital marketing agency myself ( ) and my colleagues and I have discussed this and all agree that it is likely just a genius marketing ploy by Mr. Blanchfield. For those of you that don’t know, digital marketing is very much like real world marketing only the goal is to get other websites to talk about you. In this case, Mr. Blanchfield has managed to get 1000s of high authority links and mentions pointing back to his website. He may have ruined his reputation as “1st in SEO” but he can re-brand his company, 301 redirect his old site to a new one, and BAM! – all those links out there will pass “link authority” to his new company’s website. Not saying I agree with his comments, but I think they are just a PR stunt… that has worked incredibly well.


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