City’s New Wind Turbines Only Good At Chewing Up Grant Money – IOTW Report

City’s New Wind Turbines Only Good At Chewing Up Grant Money


The city of Port Angeles, WA spent over $107,516 on three wind turbines that are expected to generate $41.58 in energy a month.  By my calculations it will take a mere 215.48 years to pay back the investment [$107,516 /($41.58 x 12)].


Said one city council member that voted for these monstrosities “They were also meant to educate folks about wind power.”

10 Comments on City’s New Wind Turbines Only Good At Chewing Up Grant Money

  1. 215 years? HAHAHAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAHAHA! The claimed life expectancy of those bat-chomping bird-slicing eco-crucifixes¹ is ludicrously given as 30 years, but all three of them will likely crap out within 18 months.

    1. Memorable phrasing by James Delingpole.

  2. Well, those ball bearings are probably only good for about two years. I’m looking at that Assembly and thinking bearing replacement will require a crane, skilled labor, and really expensive bearings. DFL

  3. Those who have a few brain cells are certainly learning a valuable lesson. They are learning that these electricity producing eyesores are the worst investment possible for a person or city or country to sink their hard earned money into supporting.

  4. They prove an important point. Wind turbines greatest value are as kinetic sculpture (all art is subjective) — at least until the bearings freeze.

    The power companies are finally rebelling against the laws and regulations forcing them to jeopardize their grid with unwanted power from innumerable renewable sources at ridiculously inflated rates, which the rate-payer ends up paying. I think it would be great to be able to reduce or eliminate the need to buy energy from the power company or gas/oil/coal company, but my neighbors shouldn’t have to subsidize it.

  5. Electricity isn’t the point, now is it?
    The point is to funnel money to corrupt Demonrat bigwigs and/or donors.
    All those “green” shits are scams. Not a single one has reached the efficiency of hydro-carbons. Nuclear could do it, but over-regulation and taxes have killed it.

    But as an endless source of money for corrupt politicians? The gift that keeps on giving. The general public is too scientifically uninformed on the subject to do other than pick their noses and stick their thumbs up their asses – and the politicians and popular “scientific” community aren’t gonna tell them any different. Hogging at the tax trough is too profitable for facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

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