Story About Lost Film of Nazism Takes a Shot At Trump – IOTW Report

Story About Lost Film of Nazism Takes a Shot At Trump

Here are the particulars-


  • Film footage of a 1924 film called ‘The City Without Jews’ was found in a flea market last year. 
  • The Austrian Film Archive crowdfunded to restore it and will show it next year.
  • Spokesman said the team saw a funding boost from an anonymous Jewish organisation after the election of Donald Trump .
  • The film is an incredible foreshadowing of the rise of the then-banned Nazi party. 
  • Johannes Riemann, who played the film’s Jewish protagonist, Leo Strakosch, later joined the Nazis.
  • screen-shot-2016-12-14-at-9-57-50-am

People who try to draw a parallel between Trump and Nazism, as it relates to Islam, have it completely backwards.

Muslims are the Nazis.

Were the Jews marauding the globe beheading people in the name of “their” God?

Were they blowing themselves up, and everyone within the blast zone, while crying out to HaShem?

Were they threatening that everyone submit to Judaism or die as they erected a Jewish caliphate?

Had the Jews been employing world terror and Hitler’s response was to disallow the immigration of Jews into Germany, would he be the symbol of evil in the world today?

Additionally, if these film restoration folks are trying to imply Trump is Hitler because he wants to control the country’s border, like any other country, well, I’d say their sense of proportion is wildly out of whack. Someone who thinks like that is more prone to becoming a Nazi than the border securer.


ht/ The Big Owe



14 Comments on Story About Lost Film of Nazism Takes a Shot At Trump

  1. Our entire public educational system purposely teaches only the European models of government – – the left is world socialism and the “right” is national socialism. SOCIALISM and STATISM are always the main characteristcs. Absent is LIMITED GOVERNMENT based on the rule of law. That is the main reason they are able to get away with calling “right wingers” nazis.

  2. Today’s “Jihad” was started after the war by Otto Skorzany and a handful of fellow SS vets who moved the ME to continue the extermination of the Jews. Islamic terrorism today is not “like” Nazism, it is an actual, ongoing SS program modeled after the Werewolf initiative.

    The Nazi’s got the idea for societal improvement though euthanasia, abortion and sterilization from American progressives.

    “Nationalism” wasn’t the problem with the Nazis, they were no more “nationalistic” than any of the countries that united to destroy them.

  3. @Billy Fuster – you raise an interesting point, which jogged my memory of an old post by Ann Barnhardt. She describes how the opposite ends of the political-economic spectrum actually come together in the form of a doughnut, called a torus.

    “…Socialism and unrestrained capitalism are basically the same thing: the two arms of the torus touch. Marxist-socialist-communist systems forcibly steal the property of the underclass and deliver it into the insatiably greedy hands of the minuscule oligarch class. Unrestrained capitalism does EXACTLY the same thing. A minuscule cadre of what are today called banksters, but used to be called robber barons, forcibly confiscate, in simple terms STEAL, the property of the underclass and hoard it for themselves….”

    Read more:

  4. National Socialism … hello! … anybody home in socialist-world?
    The land of the brain-dead, delusional, misinformed, lying maggots.
    Communism, Socialism, National Socialism, Inter-National Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Social Democrat, Progressive, Neo-Conservative, RINO, Democrat, Republican, Christian Democrat, People’s Democratic Republicans, &c., &c., – all just differing degrees of SOCIALISM!

    Wake the fuck up, people!

    There’s FREEDOM and there’s SLAVERY. The two cannot co-mingle.
    Socialism attempts to combine them, with catastrophic results.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. For the past 8 years our Libtard leader has been taking every opportunity to weaken the state of Israel and every opening to weaken Judaeo/Christian values and only now, that the Libtards have lost power, across the board, there is a fear for our Jewish cousins. I think Freud called that “projecting”.

    They (the libtards) make me sick.

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