National Geographic Steps a Bit Out of Their Sphere – IOTW Report

National Geographic Steps a Bit Out of Their Sphere

Why is Nat Geo doing a special issue on a mixed up boy?


Jackson rose to stardom last year when she began documenting her transition with “Avery Chats,” a series of YouTube videos describing how she came to understand her identity at such a young age and eventually came out to her parents as trans.

 “When I was born, doctors said I was a boy, but I knew in my heart I was a girl,” Jackson explained in her first video. “So I may have some boy body parts, but that’s not wrong, that is OK.”
HT/ Annie


43 Comments on National Geographic Steps a Bit Out of Their Sphere

  1. …. and why is it the left feels this constant need to glamorize a child’s sexuality and shove it down our throats? Anybody’s sexuality is nobody else’s business… It’s so simple even a democrat can understand it and yet….

  2. The progressives run almost all media and they push the left wing agenda. We might have a republican in the White House soon, but the left runs the country.
    They love to display the mentally ill and try to convince people this is normal.
    Sorry but this is not normal

  3. Really sick and twisted crap. The parents should be arrested and imprisoned for a long time and the National Geographic Magazine editors should be on trial for aiding and abetting child abuse.

    Sick, Sick, Sick.

  4. HE said:
    I was afraid my parents would kick me out or not give me any food.
    I dyed my hair 3 times (at what, age 5?)
    I decided to quit preschool.

    I think I’ve diagnosed the problem and its not a chromosomal abnormality. It’s a mental deficiency alright, passed down from the parents.

    Is that “Bridge Over Troubled Water” playing in the background? How apropos.

  5. Just alert me in about 15 years or so, when this brainwashed child realizes what his parents and his doctors did to him, and he starts suing them all into oblivion. I will contribute to his legal fund!

  6. I doubt there’s a thing wrong with this kid that a decent set of parents couldn’t handle.

    As for the Nat Geo, it turned into a lefty rag some time ago. You know fake news.

  7. Is she scratching his balls in in that cover pic?

    Wait, that doesn’t sound right…

    Is he scratching her balls in that cover pic?

    still not right…

    Why is it’s hand fingering it’s crotch?

    I’ll bet john Podesta has several copies of this National Geographic….

  8. @majorityofone Right you are. I subscribed to Nat Geo for 30yesrs or so. I stopped about a decade ago after getting fed up with the many articles pushing the AGW/CC agenda & other BS. The other decent articles just weren’t enough of a counter balance. This cover is more evidence I made the right choice.

  9. Anyone watching the Nat Geo Channel’s “Mars” series? Kind of interesting in a let’s-watch-paint-dry kind of way. But who believes it’s gonna be a random draw melange of diverse people with thick accents and stoned expressions who are going to colonize Mars first?

  10. My parents were understanding. I felt like I was who I wanted to be. I’m a grown adult now, fully comfortable with my childhood decision. But that voice in the back of my mind. That voice.

  11. “I am just an average everyday normal trans gender girl!” WHAT??? Dear God, what have we done to our children??? This is not NORMAL, this is NOT AVERAGE, this is unfortunately becoming an EVERYDAY thing because people have lost their faith in GOD! Pray for the faith to come back to the LOST people. Pray for God to make His presence known to the LOST souls of this country.

  12. Rupert Murdoch owns NG and wants to sell magazines.
    After all, you can only sell so many copies of topless African Ubangi women before you’re out of business.

    I have a Life Membership in the National Geographic Society and have been getting the magazine for sixty years. With this issue, they’re getting tossed in the trash at the Post Office. Of course, I’ll save any map insets.

    Much of America’s past is either crumbling or fading away. Me included. 🙁

  13. Back in 1955, membership in the Society entitled you to the magazine for free. Like you, Perspective, I canceled all my magazine subscriptions, except those that were free.

    You would be surprised how many magazines end up unread in the trash at Post Offices where subscribers are box holders. I’ll never need to buy an ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY or VANITY FAIR ever again.


  14. “You would be surprised how many magazines end up unread in the trash at Post Offices where subscribers are box holders. I’ll never need to buy an ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY or VANITY FAIR ever again.”

    LOL. I see the trash cans over-filled and a mess on the counters each time I visit. Was suprised.

  15. @ MM

    That’s Murdoch’s sons trying to keep the magazine relevant. When Bob Ballard stopped farting around the TITANIC wreck, NG had no more material. It tried anti-fracking, global warming, and Mars.


  16. One of the local super markets, and this in a small town, employs a guy I’d guess is early 20s.
    From his belt down he’s a he. Blue jeans, tennis shoes. But from the waist up a different story. Nail polish, face & eye makeup, women’s blouse, necklace, etc. Creeps me out.

    Had to ask my wife if she knew what it was when I got home -.a boy or a girl. Oh, she says, that’s so n so’s boy, started that crap in high school. The parents not happy about it at all. For sure I never ask it what isle has Panko, Roasted Sunflower seeds or dried apricots.

  17. Once again I look at the population of homosexuals in this country being about 1.6% – (2% tops!), then ask myself, OK, what percentage of that are transexuals? I dunno, but whatever it is, it is a very small fraction of that!
    Now put a piece of paper between yer fingers, then remove the paper. The air gap left from that represents the population of Trannies in the entire United States.
    So you need to ask yerself: “Why are we so concerned about such a tiny sliver of mental malcontents who belong on the Island of Broken Toys??? It’s a diversion folks. This is all about introducing a measure of chaos and amplifying it as much as possible as part of a bigger effort to manufacture chaos and confusion to weaken America any way possible.

  18. So just what does showing on the cover of Nat Geo a freaky mixed up boy thinking he’s a girl have to do with geography? I gave up on Nat Geo more than 20 years ago and took 20 + years of their magazines to the recycler because my basement was cluttered up with them, that and my wife was wondering why I was still keeping them.

  19. Today’s 9-year-old ‘transgender’ is tomorrow’s 15-year-old suicide, and why is publicizing a child’s sexuality NOT child porn?

    Any parent who would allow their child’s sexuality to be aired for the entire world to see is doing it for their own fame, even though it won’t even be 15 minutes (psychopathy just doesn’t sell so well any more) and this BOY will be ridiculed and put at risk for the rest of HIS life because of it.

    Would you hire him when he grows up, knowing he has ‘issues’ and will probably sue you if you slip up and use his real gender pronoun? Would anyone but another freak want to be a ‘life partner’?

    I feel sorry for this child because his parents have messed him over so badly. It’s difficult to fathom how anyone could be so evil.

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