What if I told you it was you that was the racist??? – IOTW Report

What if I told you it was you that was the racist???

Leftists look at black people as if they are special needs children.

12 Comments on What if I told you it was you that was the racist???

  1. Being called ignorant to blacks is generally the last insult you’ll hear before the fight starts. Calling a black man ignorant or a black man using that slur is pretty serious.

    OTOH the condescension in CA is disgusting. You’d get the exact same responses asking them about people that fly Confederate flags.

  2. …aaaaaaand this is exactly why I say Liberals are dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, bobble-headed, democRat bullshit sandwich-eating Progressive morons in lock-step with Stupid! Maybe the next Man-On-The-Street interview should ask Liberals if they think it is wrong to own Back people as pets. (as in democRat pandering)

  3. I drop the “liberals are the true racists” on the local news boards every now and then. Keep in mind this is in Illinois, a liberal mecca.

    While they will never own up to it, they never fail to live up to their racism.

  4. I had a discussion about this when MN had voter ID on the ballot (didn’t pass). Got the same talking points about it disenfranchising blacks because *all of the above*.

    I asked them what the #1 objection to voter ID was. They agreed that it was because poor black people couldn’t get out to get the ID.

    Me: So, why don’t you take them to the DMV so they can get one?

    Them: It’s not just the DMV, it’s getting to the polling place to cast their votes.

    Me: Then take them yourself.

    Them: *crickets*

    Me: Does this silence mean you really don’t care?

    Them: *more crickets*

    Me: *smile*

    Them: *change the subject*

  5. They treat them as pets, actually. However, most people are “racist,” against others of a different race, to a degree & anthropologists find this in group preferences to be normal & healthy. It’s when people want to harm other people of different races, is when it becomes horrible.

  6. I asked a liberal acquaintance what it means to take care of the poor. She said, “It means make sure they are sheltered. Make sure they are fed. Make sure their health needs are met.”

    She was not happy when I told her that’s the same thing my 10 year old daughter said when I asked her what it means to take care of a puppy.

  7. I’ve always felt that Leftists are the most racist. For one thing, they won’t leave their “safe spaces” and go to sketchy neighborhoods for a different dining experience or nightclub experience. Some of the best jazz combos I’ve ever heard were in tough neighborhoods, not on Bourbon Street.

    Thanks for this clip – I’m sending it to all my friends now. I just worry that Libtards will see it, realize how stupid, ignorant and racist this proves them to be and they won’t learn anything from it. They’ll just come up with more PC buzzwords that dont mean anything & confuse the issue but are meant to Show That They Care.

  8. Brilliant video exposing the racism of diminished expectations–a racism particular to those SJW bleeding hearts on the left. Made my blood boil. The tragedy is the UC Berkeley snowflakes in the first half of the video will probably never be made aware of the video. “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them”–George Orwell, often repeated by Dennis Prager.

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