Will This Be The Shadow White House? – IOTW Report

Will This Be The Shadow White House?


A $5.3 million dollar D.C. home has reportedly been retrofitted for the soon-to-be former President Obama and family.

Author Ed Klein claims that the Obama’s are not going quietly and are instead setting up their own “shadow government.” Mr. Klein believes that the Obama’s are going to desperately defend his legacy against dismantlement during the Trump administration



39 Comments on Will This Be The Shadow White House?

  1. If obummer runs it like he did the presidency, anyone who funds it will just be throwing their money down an endless toilet. Maybe this is his version of the clinton foundation. Also, maybe he should look up the word treason and research what happens to people who commit it.

  2. He’s gotta discover a true elixer of life so he can defend his legacy against dismantlement til the end of time. That’s what it’s gonna take. Idiot empty-chair sob.

  3. $5.3 mill for the house.
    “Retrofit” insinuates MAJOR remodeling – another $mill?

    Sooooooooo… just how are the Obamas paying for this house, not to mention their other four residences?

  4. He leased the house before Hillary lost so I believe his intent has always been to be a pain in the ass. Of course now that Trump has won, he’ll turn his smack up to 11.

    He’s a malignant narcissist that has been mainlining rock star adulation for 8 years, you can’t expect him to go cold turkey.

  5. Let Mike Pence deal with Obama. He’s smarter, not as lazy, has a better grasp of the facts and with Trump staying out of it well, that just lowers Obama’s standings in the community.

  6. Even the Monkees knew when to quit when their relevance faded.
    But not this asshole.
    Barry will spew snark from ‘Shithouse One’ and will entertain a train of sycophants and bootlickers.
    Shadow Government?
    That stupid fuck couldn’t run a real government.
    His narcissism will transition into Munchhausen Syndrome where he will entertain the vanity press with his tearful tales of grandiose accomplishments lost, and dashed on the rocks at the hands of barbarians.

  7. The bat eared twink had better watch his mouth. Trump has shown a proclivity to attache attache a nick name to anyone who wants a piece of him and Obama provides a target rich environment.

  8. Obama’ out of power.
    Like Clinton, he will have absolutely nothing to sell.

    This will not be the rockstar retirement he planned.
    Far from being a constant thorn in Trumps side with nonstop op-eds and unsolicited “advice” and “warnings ” to breathless press conferences…
    Instead Trump will shut him down fast and hard. Trump is about to have full confirmation of every dirty criminal secret about Ineligible Obama.
    Obama will go cold turkey.
    Trump at 12:01 Jan 20 will be like Bogart in Maltese Falcon:
    “When you’re slapped you’ll take it, and like it.”
    With a vengeance.

  9. Obola will run a “shadow” government after 8 years of the most shadowy government the nation has endured.
    No doubt the Media won’t be holding him to “the most transparent Administration” standard that we’ve become accustomed.

  10. And where in the US Constitution did Perfesser Skidmark find the authority to establish a “shadow government”??
    It sure sounds like another among the plethora of treasonous acts perped by this alien agent.

  11. I hope Trump builds a new white house and blows everyones mind … i would not move in that white house after bill clinton … use it for something else … a new era trump white house and create jobs at same time

  12. Barak the homosexual will start taking lovers again,. Mooch will leave him and quit taking all those pills and revert back to a male.
    Trump will totally expose all the Truths about Barak and Moochelle.

  13. I always thought Obumbles would continue to he a PITA ex-president, and he would refuse to go away quietly. He refuses to recognize what a failure he has been.

    I hope Trump is so swift & successful at MAGA that the contrast to the wasted, destructive Obama presidency will soon shrink Obama’s megaphone to microscopic size, diminishing his ability to continue to spread division and chaos.

  14. Barry’s been operating a shadow government since day one as pResident – it’s called the Muslim Brotherhood. All those appointments of muslims in his administration, the attempt to close Gitmo, the creation of a gender confused military, and all his regulations to stall and destroy the economy, using for one – Obamacare, racial conflict based on a lie the US is racist and refusal to identify terrorism as Islamic terrorism.
    Trump however, will squash Barry’s despot efforts because he will be closely monitored by the Trump administration. MAGA will prove Barry’s legacy is treasonous.

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