You know what? Drop Dead – IOTW Report

You know what? Drop Dead

I know Carrie Fisher is a libtard, but I don’t want to see her have a heart attack on an airplane. That is a nightmare that you wouldn’t wish on anyone but the worst monster.

But Mark Hamill? He’s just asking for it, isn’t he?

He just can’t help but politicize EVERYTHING.

It’s derangement. My libstain oldest brother politicized my father’s death, which is why I will never speak to him again. These are dangerous people, the way their minds are wired, looking to politicize every moment of the day. And not for the sake of promoting and furthering their agenda. It’s just to be a miserable prick.

Here’s Mark Hamill-

as if 2016 couldn’t get any worse… sending all our love to @carrieffisher




24 Comments on You know what? Drop Dead

  1. MJA, read this earlier and thought exactly the same thing. And also thought exactly what BFH typed above. The guys a never was really struggling to be relevant. Pamona is a shit hole by the way.

  2. Thanks a bunch, dirt bag. The first trilogy was my favorite, I’ll never look at again without bad feelings about you. I’m glad I recently discovered the BBC production of The Adventures of Merlin. Colin Morgan has charisma, something Mark Hamill never had.

  3. Hammill has reached a very rare plateau in the world of FAME, which is acquiring a third ‘has’.

    Yes, Mark Hamill is officially a has-has-has-been. On the alphabet scale, he’s a G-List celebrity, right down there with the hooker-beating Sham-Wow guy and Toni Basel. Next stop? Dinner Theater in towns with just a flashing stop-light.


    I remember the guy who danced a jig at work when Margaret Thatcher died.

    I remember the same guy dancing when Justice Scalia died.

    I rememeber that asshole getting fired.

    Then I danced a jig.


  5. “Dinner Theater in towns with just a flashing stop-light.”

    We have a flashing stop-light AND a flashing caution! Pretty big shit, out here in flyover. No Dinner Theater, though.

    Fuck him, we don’t want him here.

    izlamo delenda est …

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