President Obama dismantles U.S. Muslim database registry in place since 9/11 to prevent terrorism to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency – IOTW Report

President Obama dismantles U.S. Muslim database registry in place since 9/11 to prevent terrorism to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency

Alexander Higgins-

one of several parting gifts President Obama is giving Donald Trump as he leaves office is today’s announcement that the United States Muslim Nseers registry registry database will be completely dismantled before Trump takes office.

Obama’s announcement comes even though the program and its predecessors have been in place for over 15 years following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

This leaves serious lingering questions for anyone who approaches America’s National Security from a non-ideological pragmatic perspective.

Case in point, Why was it so vital to violate the constitutional rights of millions of Muslims under the Bush and Obama Presidencies, which cited national security for the not only the registry but widespread FBI surveillance of those in the registry, only to now dismantle the program and the intelligence collected in the registry just because Trump is coming into office?

If this registry was in fact a matter of National Security then a change in President doesn’t change or mitigate that fact.

Again, to be clear HNN has vehemently opposed any kind of mass surveillance on American Citizens in violation of the United States Constitution but it certainly raises eyebrows that Obama and Bush before him totally suspended the Constitutional protections of Americans this registry was such a high matter of National Security and the public is now supposed to put those claims aside.

Liberals will clearly argue that Obama is deleting the registry so Trump doesn’t abuse it as Hitler style black list to justify the deportation of non-whites but claims of racism, xenophobia, misogyny have all so far been proven to be nothing more than fake news.

Trump is not Hitler. Instead it is clear that both Obama and Bush decided for 15 years the intelligence collected in the Nseers registry since 9/11 is matter of National Security. A matter worth suspending Constitutional rights for being our nation is in a time of war and such suspensions of the constitution were necessary to protect our citizenry from our enemies. If either Obama or Bush disagreed they surely would have dismantled the program during their 8 year in the oval office, right?more

19 Comments on President Obama dismantles U.S. Muslim database registry in place since 9/11 to prevent terrorism to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency

  1. I’d sure remind the country who ordered this database be destroyed after any future domestic muzzie terrorists attack carried out by any muzzie. Particularly any who entered the country over the past eight to 15 years.

    But this is nothing new, the ordering of similar database destruction was documented in the Philip Haney book, See Something Say Nothing.

  2. He acts just like he’s trashing the apartment he’s been thrown out of. Really shows his rear end. Always has. It’s deep-seated inferiority and fierce jealousy. He knows he didn’t earn anything, that everything was **given** to him. He should ask God to forgive him for taking up space and oxygen.

  3. Obozo will disappear when the hounds of hell start closing in on his funky ass about being a fake non-president. He will run away like the ghetto whore he is in the middle of the night. Any secret service persons choosing to go with him must be terminated. They can give up their pensions and benefits in the process.

  4. you can delete stuff until your head spins, but there is always a back up some where, and if you want a copy of it let me know, I’ll email it to you.
    all your databases are belong to me!

  5. Anything to get back at a better man. Obama can handle giving up the power. But not to the republican who surprised him and everyone else that expected a sure winner with The Falling Lady. Once he’s settled down off the mainland, away from what he hates, he’ll calm down, fading away in the annals of history.

  6. Ya know whut? There are 26 days, 26 hours and 30 minutes until Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, maladroit, fundamentally-transforming, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing-flexible, Communist-Organizing Sunovabitch is out of office. I’m even worried about the last 30 minutes!

  7. What Inigio said. The Moslime Registry may be gone in Barky’s mind, but those tasty bits n’bytes are not lost. Nothing digital is ever lost in Washington and probably more tan a few federal agencies are sitting on copies of all that data. You can bet your ass a half dozen people at the NSA have that on a laptop this morning.

  8. There’s at least one federal agency busily copying all their data onto private servers because they know they’ll be proven to be lying liars who lie. Wouldn’t surprise me if other agencies are doing the same to prove they AREN’T lying liars who lie.

    The nastier Ozero makes his exit, the more likely Trump will retaliate, maybe just to keep his own name clean. Ozero is a petty vindictive little creature and if there’s any way at all to smear Trump with feces, he’ll do it.

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