‘Barack Obama remains convinced of his wild popularity’ – IOTW Report

‘Barack Obama remains convinced of his wild popularity’

Patriot Retort: In his “exit interview” with former campaign operative David Axelrod, Barack Obama channeled Marlon Brando’s Terry Malloy from “On the Waterfront” and claimed he could’a been a contenda.

Yes, if only Barack Obama was on the ballot in 2016, he would have won reelection.

Good gracious. Is there a more self-absorbed, navel-gazing jerk than Barack Hussein Obama?

“I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say, ‘The vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one.’”

Yes, that must be why the Democrat party has been bleeding support not only nationally, but in state and local elections.  MORE

26 Comments on ‘Barack Obama remains convinced of his wild popularity’

  1. For heaven’s sake, he’s like a vampire: Sucks the life from everything he touches and expects thanks for doing so. What a jerk! The saddest thing; a clown that just doesn’t know he’s not getting laughs. Go, Obama. Be a rodeo clown. Maybe the bulls will appreciate you. If they don’t, at least it will be good to see you rolling in BS.

  2. The more you have to convince yourself of what you are not, the more others can see your shortcomings and insecurities.
    In the great scheme of things that’s about all he has.

  3. I expect that Barry will continue to try to keep the spotlight and agitate for progressive causes after leaving office. I also expect that President Trump (*) and his administration will be able to manage Barry.

    * I love being able to say President Trump. How great is that!!!

  4. What a self delusional piece of American-African excrement this failure of a community organizer is proving to be as he finally gets shown the door. He doesn’t seem to comprehend that Trump’s election was a complete repudiation of everything he tried to do in his Fundamental Transformation of our country. Within a year at the very most, almost everything Obama shoved down our throats is going to be discarded by the Republicans he thinks are so out of touch with his adoring supporters. It won’t be long and he will finally be exposed as the greatest loser since Jimmy Carter. It’s going to be a splendid thing of beauty watching this man whining from the dustbin of history.

  5. I’m not getting the “contender ” anology. He’s been heavyweight champ for eight years. Blame it on white apathy or he cheats better than the Russians. No matter. Never underestimate your enemy.

  6. Looking at or listening to that creature gives people that dirty, greazy feeling that makes you want to scrub yourself pink to get it off. My disposition has improved double digits just waiting to see the last of this puke.

  7. When you’re a street corner community organizer and told that you are the smartest man on earth by the buffoons in the MSM and Hollywood self delusion in understandable.

  8. sorry to say this asshole will never be out of the spotlight and you can thank the msm for that.

    he will be interviewed to provide the counter talking points for every action taken by the trump and it will be the msm gospel truth from there on out, repeated on continuous loop from all the talking heads in the news.

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