Muslims want Muslim Prayer to Replace Pledge of Allegiance – IOTW Report

Muslims want Muslim Prayer to Replace Pledge of Allegiance

UPDATE: This might be a case of “truthiness,” DanRatherlike. Tread lightly. Source is… shaky.

Muslims want Muslim Prayer to Replace Pledge of Allegiance in Montgomery County, Maryland. But don’t worry, it’s “not an attack on American beliefs and traditions.”



Muslim groups in Montgomery County, Maryland- the same district that voted to rename Christmas Break to ‘Winter Break’ as not to offend Muslims- are now demanding that the Montgomery County Public Schools’ Board of Education vote to replace the Pledge of Allegiance with ‘Salah’- a Muslim prayer ritual that is observed five times per day every day at specific times.

Ayaan Abdelrahman, a spokesperson for local Muslim family groups, explained Sunday that “This is not an attack on any American beliefs or traditions. We think the school district should continue efforts to be more inclusive of our beliefs and traditions.”

As of this writing, Montgomery County School Board representatives were not available for comment.

22 Comments on Muslims want Muslim Prayer to Replace Pledge of Allegiance

  1. moslims will continue to attack our culture and traditions as their numbers increase. They’ll be abetted by scum like George Clooney accusing us of islamophobia because we don’t want 1,000s of honor killing, FGM or sharia law.

    When Obama/Jarrett promised to fundamentally change America, did you really think he meant for the better? C’mon, why do you think he’s imported a million moslims? And is using them to seed small towns like Amarillo? Or Twin Falls?

    These are fucking time bombs and whether they use pressure cookers or REgressive judges to remove the Pledge, these moslims will not stop until we’re all kuffars in our own country.

    Think not? Take a look at France or Germany, or Dearborn, or Minneapolis–Saint Paul and get back to me.

  2. why is it that I only hear about this crap here at IOTW?
    I bet the people in Maryland don’t even know what is
    happening behind closed doors or if they do then they are already lost….

  3. Granny says: “What do you think this is here, Americanistan? I might be 82 years old, but I can rip that black ghost costume off of you and and turn it into a horse blanket faster than you can say to your husband quit screwing that goat!”

  4. More social Jihad. If we allow it, they win. (Knowing those lib goons up there, they probably will.)

    If we tell them to go fuck off, they win, because now you can see the terrible discrimination and oppression they must endure.

    Another toe in the water to test America.

  5. This is the United States of America. We should not be changing our traditions and patriotism to accommodate those from other countries lucky enough to be here if you chose to come to America from your hellhole and what to feel accepted— the practice your beliefs at home and assimilate into the culture you chose to join or go find a country that will put up with your dangerous demands

  6. I’ll be as polite as possible. Muslims. GO TO HELL. This is America. Either you assimilate into our values or get the hell out. The Pledge of Allegiance is truly American, just as our National symbol, Our Stars and Stripes and our National Anthem. You all knew of these American traditions. Stay in your God forsaken middle east countries and live as barbarians and do not try to force your beliefs on us. The more you push, the more we hate you.

  7. When you cannot corral the cockroaches, you bomb the shit out of them. Start killing them, listen to the leftists scream like wookies caught in the grinder, then tell those left, pack you are moving back to your desert in Iraq.

  8. The Media won’t do it, but
    every conservative, every patriotic citizen, anyone who is not a lunatic leftist dolt,
    should confront every left of center squishy bureaucrat and ask them where they stand on this issue: should immigrants be expected to assimilate (as always) or do these new ones get to make demands that we all have to accommodate?

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