Patton’s Christmas Card To His Troops – IOTW Report

Patton’s Christmas Card To His Troops

What a relic!!! Can you believe there was a time when this was even allowed by our government?

Where are the references to atheists, homosexuals and Muslims?

The part that is really quizzical is where they talk about crushing the enemy. That’s hurtful, no?

That’s not “who we are.”


13 Comments on Patton’s Christmas Card To His Troops

  1. I’m surprised His Obamaness hasn’t had all honors awarded to Georgie stripped by the Pentagon. Then again, it isn’t 1/20/17 yet, so there’s still time…..

  2. He beseeches Almighty God that we might crush the “wickedness and oppression” of our enemies. He didn’t ask to crush our enemies. Once the oppression and wickedness ends, so does the reason for fighting. Amazing prayer at a time when slaughtering Germans was a noble endeavor.

    My FIL’s (rest in peace Dad) armored unit was attached to Patton’s 3rd Army. His take on the Wehrmacht was that they were GI’s just like him, they’d rather be home. The SS, not so much, nasty bastards.

    We can’t say “they’re like us” about the armed conflicts of today. Muslims are not like us. Not even close. The globalists’ quest for diversity ignores the civilizing influence that two thousand years of Christianity has had on our ancestors. Obama then dumps these savages in our midst and calls it a good thing.

    So what are we fighting for? GI’s in WWII knew exactly why they were fighting. Today’s war fighters perhaps not. To establish democracy in a region where democracy never flourished? In a region where the soil that supported the seeds of self rule never existed?

    Mattis’s proclamation to the Muslims needs to be reinforced: with tears in our eyes we beg you, don’t f**k with us. We’ll kill every one of you.

  3. So this Civil War going on in Syria. Remember during the debates, that nasty dried up liberal cunt. She countered DJT about warning our enemies before attacking, we need to give civilians advance notice to flee, she shrieked.

    WTF? It’s a CIVIL War you dumb bitch! CIVILIANS get killed in a CIVIL War! Quit crying about it!

  4. Oh the hypocrisy runs deep with Cankles. She pissed and moaned about people dying if not forewarned. Boo fucking Hoo….care to tally up the dead bodies in the wake of the Clinton Cartel? Billy Jeff and Hillary have ordered the murder of 70+ victims who crossed them or witnessed their felonies, or even knew too much about their spotted past. They both need to stand trial for murder.

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