Trump’s team draws target on federal regulations – IOTW Report

Trump’s team draws target on federal regulations


President-elect Donald Trump is stocking his administration with businessmen and regulatory reformers who are intent on cutting through what they see as red tape from Washington.

Carl Icahn, the billionaire investor, will oversee the Trump administration’s regulatory reform efforts. He will be joined by several other Wall Street investors and corporate executives who have first-hand experience dealing with government rules.

Here are six figures in the Trump administration poised to have an outsized role in scaling back regulations.

Regulatory adviser Carl Icahn

Trump created a new position in the White House for the billionaire investor to serve as a “special adviser on regulatory issues,” where he will seek to trim back rules that businesses consider unnecessary and burdensome.

“Under President Obama, America’s business owners have been crippled by over $1 trillion in new regulations,” Icahn said in a statement issued by the Trump transition team. “It’s time to break free of excessive regulation and let our entrepreneurs do what they do best: create jobs and support communities.”

Icahn, 80, is the founder of Icahn Enterprises, and has become known over the years as an activist shareholder.  more here

10 Comments on Trump’s team draws target on federal regulations

  1. Make scene!

    DJT’s patriots should get robo-signers started up, and have them write “Canceled” across each of the millions of pages of crap spewed out by BO and his peeps.

  2. If I owe anything to Barry, it’s that I fast became interested in politics. I couldn’t wait to see what idiot things Mr. Emperor’s Clothes was doing each day. I actually learned a lot about our government and the sorry people in it — as well as its wonderful history.

    Mr. Trump’s Presidency will also be a time to learn — how government selected by the people works for the good of the people.

    Pull up a chair.

  3. Unless the responsibility for regulation is put back on elected officials (instead of nameless, faceless bureaucrats) nothing permanently will be accomplished. The Congress shoved this off to avoid blame, and have been quite successful at playing the virgin. This must stop. EPA (for instance) has no authority to write “law.” They have no authority to penalize. The Agencies get away with murder (literally) because our feckless and cowardly Congress has designed it that way and are loath to be held accountable. Unhappily, after 100 years of mal-education, most citizens haven’t a clue and are unwilling to educate themselves.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @grool, I agree. That makes me nervous. The article said, “Republican push to scale back ObamaCare”.

    No, I want every page, every executive order regarding it and every mention of it to be GONE. Shredded.

    The only thing to ‘replace’ it will be:
    -Make the purchase of insurance across state lines allowed.
    -Tort reform.
    -Health savings accounts.
    -Divorce health insurance from employment – insurance should be presented to the individual for the same rates that companies have.

    I’m sure there are more, but I don’t want ANY Obamacare stinking up the joint!

  5. @ Tim. I completely agree. Congressional staffs need to be part of it too. They are the wizards behind the curtain. The authority to write laws only belongs to the elected officials. And not their staff. They are the ones who busy themselves writing multi-thousand page bills, which their supposed boss doesn’t read, doesn’t want to read, and doesn’t have time to read.

    Their supposed boss is only their trained pet signature machine, and reelection fund raising machine that keeps them employed behind the curtain. Things change very little when a Congressman is replaced if their former staff just continues to work for another Congressman. The replacement or scattered to the office staff of another like minded elected official.

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