Former MI5 intel agent: Obama Russia claims ‘pure propaganda’ – IOTW Report

Former MI5 intel agent: Obama Russia claims ‘pure propaganda’

Machon pointed out the U.S. Department of Homeland Security effectively wouldn’t stand behind its own claims.

AmericanMirror: So what makes America look worse on the world stage: the assertion that a foreign government “hacked” our presidential election, or the lie that one did?

Annie Machon, former intelligence agent for the British MI5, tells RT that the latter is what happened.

“This is very much a case of fake news, shall we say. It seems to serve two ends as well,” Machon says.

“On the day when the ceasefire is announced, which has been brokered by Russia and Turkey – this is a story that will run and run in America, not the ceasefire in Syria. It’s all going to be about these Russians, and hacking the election and things like that. I think this is the first stage – this is why it was announced that the Russian diplomats were going to be expelled,” she says.  MORE


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