New Year’s Resolutions – IOTW Report

New Year’s Resolutions

We already had our New Year’s Predictions post (a time capsule that we will refer to in 2018 and see who nailed it).

Now it’s time for our New Year’s Resolution post, where I will repost in 2018 so everyone can see how they did.


52 Comments on New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I want to work on my anger and I am starting with my driving. It is a silly useless emotion and I could blame the last 8 years but… in a funny twist my husband made the same commitment to being less upset in the car. Baby steps.

  2. Someone on Face Book said they were going to open a GYM and name it RESOLUTION…and after the first two week all the exercise equipment will disappear and it becomes a BAR!

  3. Brown Eyed Girl
    “Oh– and I resolve to soothe my compulsive tendencies”

    Visiting this site multiple times per day is compulsive?

    Oh crap!

    I’m one compulsive son of a bee…dayum

  4. More sailing, drop a couple pounds, purposeful range practice, letting loved ones know how I feel about them.

    All attainable, cause it’s up to me.

    Happy new year everybody. Hope it’s full of good things for you all. Hey, we’re gonna MAGA. That’s something to be glad about!!

  5. I resolve to keep the friends I made during this election season (especially since some of my long-time friendships with libs just totally blew up this year over politics). I worked on Trump’s campaign with so many brave, smart, funny women and now that the election is over, I want to keep these women in my life. They are great patriots, wonderful wives and mothers, and all have challenged me to be better in every department of my life. I hope that when I re-read this resolution in 2018, I will be able to say that I’ve recently seen and spent time with all the women in this great group.

  6. @tired mom

    Just keep the lines of communications open and set a few informal get togethers. I made friends early in the Tea Party movement (2009) that are still in my circle of friends. One is house/pet sitting for us in February. I’ve shared vacations with others. No finer or more trustworthy friends than this bunch.

  7. Lazlo has all kinds of resolutions.
    Loose weight
    Get out camping more often
    Finish the damn book (its been almost two years, gad)
    Play guitar more often
    learn best how to give the government not one thin dime more than actually necessary

  8. flip,
    Quit drinking over a year ago. Didn’t drop shit.
    Just as fat, just as dumb, just as short, just as ornery.
    Oh … didn’t save any money, either … figured out other ways to piss it away.
    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Shoot up some of that stockpiled ammo, what with my son’s stuff and mine, I got a bunch.
    Now that my son has returned my sit on kayak, go out more and lose some weight so I can fit in my smaller, sleeker kayak.
    Fish some more.
    Spend some money, maybe a new bike, had pretty much everything but a BMW.
    A new wedding ring for the wife, I won’t ask her this time, last time she wanted a new washing machine instead.
    Hedonistic, you bet, after three kids, college, weddings, it’s time for me and the wife.

  10. I will ramble. I made a good start last year on the quilt fabric addiction and seriously cut back on buying. Cleaned out 4 yuuuuuge bags of fabric for my retired male friend who sews with his granddaughters. Still have 1,000+ yards of fabric probably closer to 1,500. 8 quilts cut out and ready to piece so I resolve to start on 01/21. Enough Timeless Treasures limited edition Grumpy Cat fabric to make 4 quilts to raffle and sell for the shelter. I resolve to start cutting on 03/01 and be finished with all 4 by 06/01.

    I have SABLE, stash acquisition beyond life expectancy, when it comes to cross stitch, embroidery, knitting, crewel supplies. I became addicted to needlework around age 4 or 5 and never looked back.
    I started selling and giving away some last year. I resolve to step up the pace of sorting, selling, setting aside for the shelter’s biannual summer rummage sale.
    There are 2 big rooms upstairs that are my woman sewing/crafting caves. It needs to be cut to 1 room or 1 plus 1/4 of another.

    I resolve to quit staring at, admiring and drooling over all the fantastic embroidery, knitting and sewing finishes from the Russian gals at gallery ru and start doing more.

    The easy one. I resolve to pick up the pace in pissing off liberals simply by being happy, happy and pointing out how America becomes great under Trump. I resolve to snicker, snigger, titter, guffaw, belly laugh, ROTFLMAO, sneer and look down my nose at liberals at every opportunity. I resolve to display/practice as little common courtesy as possible around these turds. I resolve to rub there noses in ‘it’ left, right, up, down and sideways.

    Thanks for reading and God Bless You in 2017.

  11. I resolve to not be surprised at the depravity and evil that the left will stoop to. I will no longer agonize trying to figure them out. I know why they are what they are; they have given their souls to Satan. The other poor sops that follow them don’t know any better. God said he will give them over to their depravity if they reject him.

    I will pray for those who are still able to turn from their folly. Since I don’t know the state of their hearts, I will have to pray for them all, but leave them in God’s hands.

  12. Resolve to-
    -post more posts on iOTW
    -be LESS tolerant of lefty friends who cause me stress and anxiety. Hubs and I have our plates full for 2017. True friends only. FB purge began today.
    – promote myself (career wise) more even tho it’s not my forte.

    That’s all!

  13. Took my oldest grandson to the range Friday and blew off a big box of old .38 ammo and a box of .45. He’s staying on the paper finally but needs more work. Took him out for a nice lunch afterwards. Lord that kid can eat.

    He’s hit a real rough path of road this year and needs … well, I let him know I really f**ked up too as a young man. He is impulsive and must think before he acts. I resolve to act more as a mentor for him and try to get him interested in a structured discipleship program that I have offered to other young men. Retiring will free up the time I need. And more range time with him. Or get him an eye exam.

  14. @Eugenia You and the wife would get along famously. She also never met a bolt of fabric on sale she didn’t like. Has an entire building, 20X30 for her sewing. 3 machines she uses and a couple she wants to give to the grands if they show any interest. A cutting table made from 2 doors, it’s YUGE. Heat, AC, hot and cold running water, I facetiously offered to put in a toilet, she said that’s just silly.
    She never complains about my guns, I never complain about her sewing or shoes.
    My love makes me the nicest clothes, that’s a bonus. Who else has tailored Tee shirts, Donald Trump?
    Oh, she is a rock ribbed conservative and never complains, pretty good shot too, what a peach.

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