Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals President Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS… – IOTW Report

Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals President Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS…

Conservative Treehouse-

There are moments within investigative research when your jaw can stand agape as you recognize the scope of what you are reading or hearing.  A brutally down-played audio of Secretary John Kerry is just such an occasion.

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♦ In August of 2014 President Obama (wearing a tan business suit) gave a press conference where he stated he “did not have a strategy” against ISIS. –Video Link

♦ Two months later, in October of 2014, Josh Earnest gave a press conference where he stated:  “Our ISIS strategy is dependent on something that does not yet exist” –Video Link

However, on September 30th 2016 the New York Times quietly released a leaked audio recording of Secretary John Kerry meeting with multiple factions associated within Syria.

When you listen to the audio recording it becomes immediately obvious what was going on when both of those 2014 statements were made by the White House.  In addition, you discover why this jaw-dropping 2016 leak/story was buried by the U.S. media and how it connects to over 5 years of perplexing U.S. mid-east policy.

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24 Comments on Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals President Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS…

  1. Wifey and I both agree that this make Obama a war criminal status worthy of prosecution.

    So, who will bring the indictment?

    Class action law suit by all who have suffered loss would be a good start.

  2. President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar with the matter said.
    – – –
    So what is the table were turn and actions were planned against Obama? Is this all fair in war? Just asking, not saying.

  3. Confirmation of what we thought all along.
    Which Obama and his cohorts of obstruction and destruction denied doing.

    Appears to be a classic example of my enemy’s enemy, is my friend, even though they were our enemy too at the same time killing Americans.

    Obama’s policies actions (and inaction) caused the death of many of our US Military, destruction of materials and equipment and 10s of thousands of innocent civilians.

    I don’t know the laws, but it looks to be treason to me (supporting, financing and arming islamic terrorists, an enemy of the US) at the same time obstructing truth and lying to the American people.

  4. @sTevo January 2, 2017 at 8:24 am

    > Class action law suit by all who have suffered loss would be a good start.

    Because the few American taxpayers left, taking a few more “for the team”, is great justice?

  5. @ cato January 2, 2017 at 9:45 am

    > it looks to be treason to me (supporting, financing and arming islamic terrorists, an enemy of the US)

    Now, now… if that were accepted, then some deplorable person will “remember it, because he was there” as “It looks to be treason to me (supporting, financing and arming an enemy of America)” — and then who will be left to accept your user fees, not taxes, let alone spend them?

  6. What’s needed is draining of said swamp via Barrett .416.

    Just because they’re not located in the swamp doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t still pollute the environment of freedom loving people after they are removed.

  7. @TSUNAMI January 2, 2017 at 11:24 am

    That’s so environmentally destructive — all that construction energy and all those chemicals. @Holden A. Grudge’s way is not only reusable and recyclable, but — with all the legalized hemp — it can even be organic.

  8. All that’s missing from this picture are Huma…

    “TO CONSPIRACY theorists like Rep. ­Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), the Obama administration’s approach to the Arab world is the product not of considered diplomacy but of wicked “influence operations,” traceable to the Muslim Brotherhood and its agents. Exhibit A among those agents with murky “ties” to the Muslim Brotherhood, Ms. Bachmann warns darkly, is Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

    …and The Bitch of Benghazi, of course.


    Thank you, Michele Bachmann.

  9. Hell, the new DOJ, SecState and DND may well decide to do a joint investigation of how ISIS rose in order to better combat them and during the course of this investigation “uncover” these tapes and request former President Obama to take the stand to discuss the implication they seem to hold. I know, it will never happen but then if Obama decides he’s going to stay in politics and go after Trump then…..

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