French employees win legal right to avoid work emails at home – IOTW Report

French employees win legal right to avoid work emails at home

I have no problem with such laws. What I have a problem with is when someone tells the boss, “you can text me anytime, I am always available to you for any concerns whatsoever,” and then someone complains that this person is creating an unfair work environment.

“Slow down, you’re making us all look bad,” is a common remark/threat to an efficient and energetic new fellow employee.


Many of us find it hard to switch off after a long day at the office, and constant work emails to your smartphone don’t help. But things are about to change for employees in France, as companies will be required to guarantee them a “right to disconnect” from January 1.

A new law will force firms with more than 50 workers to make it clear to staff when they should not be expected to send or answer emails. Help staff relax Overuse of smartphones has been blamed for everything from sleeplessness to relationship problems, with many employees feeling like they have to be available 24/7.

Some firms have already trialled measures to help staff relax out-of-hours. For example, Volkswagen agreed to stop its Blackberry servers sending emails to certain staff outside their shift times

Read more 

ht/ the big owe


8 Comments on French employees win legal right to avoid work emails at home

  1. I watched a John Stossel segment on the EU a while back about how the varying work ethic and disparity in actual hours worked between the English and Germans vs the rest of the EU was causing real problems. The Spanish and the Greeks are really bad. They barely work.

  2. The French Citizens have won the legal right to be slaughtered in their own country by islamic immigrants.

    The French Military have won the legal right to surrender before going into combat.

  3. France has a working week of 35 hours.

    Sorry. We don’t. Hubby had to be available 24/7/365 due to his position with the company and possible escalation issues. There were times he had to work these issues to the detriment of his regular responsibilities meaning he had many 80-86 hour work weeks.

    Thankfully, after almost 30 years with the company, he was laid off in 2015 due to his salary. He decided to just retire. Other than marrying me, it was the best decision of his life! 🙂

  4. Yea sure, physically zipping out to COs in the middle of shoot’em up ghettoland at 1am back in the 90s to reset dialup cards en mass didn’t restrict sleep whatsoever.

    Now, the phone beeps and you swipe the phone to reset the cards. Whoop dee fucking doo.

  5. My employer gave me a smartphone. When I leave work at the end of the day, that phone gets turned off and goes into a desk drawer. It stays there until I return to work.

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