Pro-Pot Group Handing Out 4,200 Joints to Crowd During Trump’s Inauguration Speech – IOTW Report

Pro-Pot Group Handing Out 4,200 Joints to Crowd During Trump’s Inauguration Speech

Breitbart: A pot advocacy group is pledging to lead a pro-pot march while handing out 4,200 joints to random people in the crowd attending Donald J. Trump’s January 20 inauguration ceremony in Washington, D.C.

malia smoking weed

The group,, led a successful campaign to legalize marijuana in the District of Columbia, and now it is targeting both Donald Trump and his U.S. attorney general nominee, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, both of whom the group says are not sufficiently friendly toward legalizing marijuana.

DCMJ is planning a protest march during Trump’s oath of office ceremony. The group said it will hand out 4,200 joints of legally grown cannabis while marching toward the National Mall. They then plan to light up among the inauguration crowd at four minutes and 20 seconds into President Trump’s acceptance speech.

The group is also circulating a letter on Capitol Hill urging senators to reject Senator Sessions, who is on record as an opponent of legalizing pot.  more

11 Comments on Pro-Pot Group Handing Out 4,200 Joints to Crowd During Trump’s Inauguration Speech

  1. Prohibition costs the taxpayers way more than it’s worth.

    Legalize it, tax it, end food stamps and welfare, work or starve, if you can get high and hold a job fine, otherwise choose getting high or starving. It is NOT the duty of the taxpayer to protect people from their own poor judgment.

  2. It is a freedom, and our right. Not that I have ever taken a puff or intend to. Not that public smoking is a right. But I support the right of everyone to do whatever they want to their body, as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others. And as Al pointed out the attempt to prevent it does little except lead to a police state and vast expenditures of our money.

  3. Tax like they do liquor. Current drug screening is close to sensing only active intoxication anyway and are readily amendable to this (the tests are extant) . If they want to get wasted tonight or this weekend as an employer I don’t care. Over the years the problems I have had were with those who had chronic alcohol issues. We can tell if they are screwed up on the job, and our employees are trained to question only fitness for duty and not speak to thoughts on cause for same. Drug test tell the tale then on active intoxication from whatever cause.

  4. they’re handing out free blunts and fatties during President Trump’s inauguration? How are they going to pick the lucky peeps randomly?

    Dude, I might just have to stop back by, wearing my Jamaican Rasta Wig! I wear tha damn thing every year during Mardi Gras just to protect my melon from the freezing cold winds at St Charles & Canal. But it provides a great side benefit when Krewe Of Zulu rolls into view – I get throws chucked at me like it’s rainin’ up in hyah! THREE Coconuts the first year I went! I incurred the wrath & enmity of tenth-generation Yats. 🙂

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