I can’t avoid the story, even though we’ve been ripped off, because I so dislike Cenk Uygur and the Young Turks, so I’m gonna post this anyway.
The Younk Jerks hired fake black guy, Shaun King, to be their voice of oppression.
To get the proper black experience, the very important Young Turks looked to the male Rachel Dolezal to lend the show gravitas in the area of blackness. Morons.
Note a “new version” of the art I did (pictured below) years ago.
Also note the “Talcum X” nickname they’ve given Shaunn King, an iOTWreport staple that dates back to iOwnTheWorld, before anyone ever heard of Shaun King, and before black activism by whites was cool. (I didn’t make up Talcum X. It was a reader. I wanna say Hanover Fist??) ((Will the person who coined Talcum X please step forward!!))(((OpenTheDoor has stepped forward.)))
But that’s okay.
The article is good.
ht/ annie
don’t they call them people “wiggers”?
He blocked me on Twitter; as I recall I asked a simple question. Whatever color his skin is, it’s also extremely thin.
the ShaunKingSoWhite hashtag is pure gold. even if you don’t like twitter, it’s hilarious stuff.
The whole Shawn King/Mickey Dolenz thing is a sign of the Left’s having doubled down on their Big Lie reality warping phase…keep presenting as unquestioned fact an obvious lie…do it loud and long enough…and your enemies may not come to believe it but they’ll get fatigued and disgusted into silence. For now, that’s good enough for the Left. That’s all this mindscam ever was.
The other day I quickly scanned a Break article about the 4 dintdoonuffins and it had about 3-4 references to Talcum-X related to Shaun King. I thought, wow IOTWr has gone mainstream! Today it appears the article was edited, no more references to Talcum-X. Break is usually kind of liberal but commenters are more conservative. It’s the first article I’ve seen that didn’t push the liberal agenda, so I’m guessing an editor requested it be toned down a bit after it was first published.
Remember when Obama tried to grow a Shaun King Douchestache to speak to his fellow muslim citizens of the world?
Talcum-X…..hahahaha! Gets me every time
Geez, I know catching a job out there is tough but damn…..
Hell, he even looks like Walter White.
Ahem, Bubba Fur, twas I who came up with Talcum X.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I will update!!
Here’s my question……..
If it’s okay to change your gender and it’s okay to go into a lady’s restroom (when you’re a man) because you happen to feel like a woman that day and if we are teaching our kids that gender is not permanent and can be “reassigned”, then why can’t a white guy just say he’s a black guy?
Bad News Bud, Talcum X is all over IG. I see it at least once a week.
I’ve known several white guys that are considered “niggardly”.
Will he next transition to Shaunequa?