Handing Wikileaks Emails=Threat To Our Democarcy. Handing Wikileaks Classified Documents When You’re a Tranny = Not So Bad That Your Sentence Can’t Be Commuted – IOTW Report

Handing Wikileaks Emails=Threat To Our Democarcy. Handing Wikileaks Classified Documents When You’re a Tranny = Not So Bad That Your Sentence Can’t Be Commuted

Manning, after stealing top secret documents and handing them to Wikileaks, is supposedly set to have his sentence commuted, which shows you how piddling the left’s claims of “our democracy becoming undone” due to document theft are.

If the theft somehow can be construed as meddling with a lefty getting elected, the entire act, and all the players, are either treasonous, usurpers, enemy combatants and/or enemies of the state.

If the theft is by a transgender who wanted to damage America, mehhhhh. Commute the sentence.

Chelsea Manning ‘is on Obama’s short list for commutation of 35-year sentence’

8 Comments on Handing Wikileaks Emails=Threat To Our Democarcy. Handing Wikileaks Classified Documents When You’re a Tranny = Not So Bad That Your Sentence Can’t Be Commuted

  1. Any despicable criminal pardoned by the faux president, will be pardoned ONLY as a final act of excreting on America, by the most horrendous person to every hod held (hostage in Obama’s case) the office.

  2. Manning should have been lined up against a wall and been shot. I felt that way then and I feel that way now.

    Assange should have died choking on a toothpick or whatever clever way we can and should take out threats to our state. I felt that way then and I feel that way now.

    What he did with regards to Hillary is icing on a turd cake. If he just keep himself to exposing corrupt politicians by releasing their “private” e-mails (granted, in the case of Hillary that would run the risk of exposing state but secrets but then that is on Hillary for having those on her private emails) I would hail him a hero. As it is many an Afghan who help us were exposed and most likely murdered.

    Ever notice Assange does not leak state secrets of states that have a known reputation of slipping plutonium into critical reporter’s tea cups? The man is on par with the creators of South Park. They will do “The Book of Mormon- the musical” but haven’t the guts to follow up with “The Koran- the musical”. To connect the dots for anyone who might miss it- Assange releases US secrets but not USSR secrets.

  3. Polonium.
    Piss Christ – but no Piss Allah.

    Gutless weasels everywhere one looks.
    But then, martyrdom is for those fearless believers – not for the weak of faith.

    izlamo delenda est …

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