Trumponomics Strikes Again – GM To Invest 1 Billion in American Factories – IOTW Report

Trumponomics Strikes Again – GM To Invest 1 Billion in American Factories

Why aren’t Americans absolutely incensed that Barack Obungles didn’t do any of this while he played golf for 8 years and made sure ISIS formed and freaks could go into the bathroom of their choosing?

(That’s his legacy, no?)

Chicago Tribune-

General Motors will announce a $1 billion investment in its factories that will create or keep around 1,000 jobs, a person briefed on the matter said Monday.

The Detroit automaker will make the announcement Tuesday morning. The investment is part of the normal process of equipping factories to build new models, and it’s been planned for months, the person told The Associated Press. The person didn’t want to be identified because the announcement hasn’t been made yet.

Multiple factories will get part of the money, but GM does not plan to state where the new jobs will go, according to the person. The company plans to use the announcement to tout both blue-collar and white-collar U.S. jobs it has created in recent years, the person said.

The announcement comes after President-elect Donald Trump has attacked GM and other automakers for building vehicles in Mexico and shipping them to the U.S.

ht/ all too much

10 Comments on Trumponomics Strikes Again – GM To Invest 1 Billion in American Factories

  1. The Obamites were only for regulation, segregation,
    invasion, and spreading welfare.

    We MIGHT have an American in the house that used
    to be called white this week people!!!!!!

  2. All the businesses Barry visited crashed and burned soon after. Everything King Minus touches turns to crap. So wonderful to have a president who is a blessing instead of a curse. Thank you, Lord. Go Trump. MAGA!

  3. He’s going to win a freaking landslide in 2020. This is a game changer.

    If he also builds a wall, lowers taxes and gives us good supreme court justices I say we march our asses to South Dakota and chisel his face onto Mt. Rushmore.

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