This sounds embellished – Kellyanne throws punches at Inaugural Ball – IOTW Report

This sounds embellished – Kellyanne throws punches at Inaugural Ball

wash exam-

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway threw “mean punches” at a man during an inaugural ball over the weekend, according to Fox Business correspondent Charles Gasparino.

In a Facebook post from Monday, Gasparino said he saw Conway get involved in a fight between two men in tuxedos during a ball on Friday.

“Inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway,” Gasparino wrote in his post, “who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys. Whole thing lasted a few (minutes) no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked. Now I know why Trump hired her.”

It was all a part of a bizarre night for Gasparino, who was involved in a shouting match with some “anarchist thugs” outside the same ball earlier in the evening.

He said he was talking to his friend Scott Baio, who spoke at the Republican National Convention on Trump’s behalf, when he was approached by hecklers.

“First met my pal Scott Baio outside the victory ball,” Gasparino wrote. “We said hello when a bunch of anarchist thugs began to descend on us screaming ‘hey Chachi are u fascist?’ One made an aggressive move toward us I shoved him away and he said ‘touch me again u little prick and I’ll smack u’ my response: ‘GFY a$$hole.'”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the alleged punches thrown by Conway.

ht/ nm

20 Comments on This sounds embellished – Kellyanne throws punches at Inaugural Ball

  1. Not buying that story for a minute. I am not saying she isn’t capable of punching out a guy but she would never do it in a way that would embarrass President Trump. That’s this woman’s intuition.

  2. How can you doubt this? We’ve been conditioned that a 110lb female can beat up 10 6’5″ tall linebackers easily. Don’t you remember ‘Charlie’s Angels’? It’s grrrrl power and it’s true. It’s true I say. If you don’t believe it, you’re a bigot.

  3. Yeah, when someone says something happened for a few minutes in a very public venue and NOBODY captures at least a few seconds of video or even a snapshot of the event, I call BS. Shit, that ‘supposed fight’ would photobomb dozens of selfies alone.

  4. I think Gasparino had a few too many drinks. Does he really think one of the most powerful people in Washington right now can get into a punch up at a Ball and no video turn up? Hell, most of these Washington critters carry two video capable cell phone just in case the battery dies on one. Having said that, Kelly does strike me as someone quite capable given enough provocation getting a few good licks in if the situation called for it.

  5. She is smart and accomplished. What weight class would she fight in? Bantam and feather weight are too heavy. Punching a guy wouldn’t be a good idea. Stabbing him with those boney fingers of hers might work though. Go KellyAnn LOL!

  6. Gasparino is a blowhard who -with every debate and every primary election said Trump can’t win, nobody is contributing to his campaign, he won’t last. Lou Dobbs & Stu Varney gave him hell and never have him on their shows.

    I’d like the story about Kellyanne to be true but suspect it’s more for Gasparino to call attention to himself than anything else. He’s irrelevant and it’s probably contract time.

  7. I went to HS with Chuck, he was and still is a standup guy. My personal knowledge of him tells me is that you would be insane to pick a fight with him, you would find yourself waking up from a coma around Christmas wondering why you had a feeding tube down your throat.

  8. I seriously doubt this story. There’s not a whole lot of bone mass in Kelly’s metacarpals. She’d probably break a bone punching a toddler in the face

    She doesn’t strike me as someone who gets into many fist fights (Hey, did I just make a pun)

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