What’s The Over/Under On Koskinen Losing His Job? – IOTW Report

What’s The Over/Under On Koskinen Losing His Job?

Donald Trump has been in office for a week and already the top echelon of the state department is gone and the head of border control. Now John Koskinen’s position at the IRS has become that much more untenable.


I’ll be disappointed if Gollum is still in office by the end of next week.



29 Comments on What’s The Over/Under On Koskinen Losing His Job?

  1. breaking…

    President Trump signs 2 Executive Actions.

    1. Rebuilding: United States Armed Forces
    2. Protection Of The Nation: Extreme Vetting

    and Mad Dog Sworn In.
    Need a Mad Dog thread.

  2. Federal Prison for 10-20 years…..

    followed closely by losing his upper and lower front teeth…..

    followed by being Bubba’s bitch for what feels like a lifetime……

    Suck it John….try not to gag.

  3. chuffedbeyondwords JANUARY 27, 2017 AT 5:38 PM
    Okay, but why isn’t he in prison? What he has done deserves serious jail time.

    ALong with that nasty lerner bitch. Death by hangin’

  4. Let’s not get all exorcised over this. Trump has been working as fast as he can, and accomplishing great things. He can’t do twenty two things at once. He’ll get to it.

  5. @graceia

    You’re right. I’m patient though. It’ll keep for a week or two. I can hardly wait for Trump to drag him by the ear into his office. It’ll happen but one must prioritize in order to be effective.

  6. I’m sympathetic to those who are calling for Koskinen’s conviction and imprisonment. I would prefer, though, that an old practice be revived: declaration of outlawry, the judicial declaration that someone be

    …put outside the law and deprived of its benefits and protection…

    (this is from the OED)

    In other words, if Koskinen were made an outlaw, no legal penalties could be imposed against anybody for doing anything to him. Thus it would place him on the other side of the govt:subject line he so horribly abused himself by using the power of the IRS without any reasonable expectation of censure much less punishment.

    He would spend the rest of his miserable life in constant fear, and I’d like that.

  7. Trump is handling things quite well IMO. Publicly, he lauds and exhorts; I’m thinking of the nod he gave the KKKlintons at the post-inauguration luncheon.

    Privately, he lets ’em have it; I’m thinking of the State Dept folks who “resigned.”

    Koskinen will be cut, but it’ll be subtle. It’s Trump’s way. He needs to avoid the bully stigma as much as possible.

  8. President Trump should invite this lowlife to have dinner with him at some posh eatery, and have the MSM there to cover the event, like with Mitt. Only after the soup course, loudly tell Gollum he is fired, and also under investigation. On the fourth wall, we see that the eatery is really part of the Apprentice stage. It would live on youtube forevah! Ahnald would walk out and grab Gollum by the scruff of his pencil neck, telling him to “git to da choppah”! Except the “choppah” is a real live running wood chipper machine. Koscuntin would shit his pants.
    Eff you, IRS.

  9. This is BS!! Republicans already had House and Senate. If they weren’t such cucks, they would have already impeached him by now. So suddenly they are in a hurry for Trump to do their dirty work? PUSSIES!!!!

  10. “He can’t do twenty two things at once. He’ll get to it.”

    WHAT?!! I expected him to land and have the effect of an atomic bomb. BOOM! Everything the way we want it the very next second.

    Damn. So disappointed! I’m not winning fast enough! I’m going to go march in front of my house and throw my trash can in the middle of the street! Not the recycle one though. You know, “Save the Earth” and all that.


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