Oops! CNN Accidentally Airs Press Conference With Detained Iraqi Traveler Who Likes Trump – ABC News Edits Out – IOTW Report

Oops! CNN Accidentally Airs Press Conference With Detained Iraqi Traveler Who Likes Trump – ABC News Edits Out


One of the stranded travelers was Iraqi interpreter Hameed Khalid Darweesh, released from detention after 18 hours. Reps. Velazquez and Nadler were quick to cozy up to Darweesh, hoping to milk the “human element” of this tragic story of injustice.

About an hour later, Darweesh was wheeled in front of network cameras where he was asked what he thought of Donald Trump:


“I like him, but I don’t know. This is a policy, I don’t. He’s a president, I’m a normal person.”

ABC truncated the interview, leaving out the part where Darweesh says he likes Trump. It comes right after he says America is the greatest nation in the world.

ht/ annie

12 Comments on Oops! CNN Accidentally Airs Press Conference With Detained Iraqi Traveler Who Likes Trump – ABC News Edits Out

  1. This is not who we are? WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT BORDERS>>> Is that who we are? Nothing? When the wheelhouse has been run by pansies for the past decade we kind of forget this is the RICHEST sovereign nation in the world and those abroad want to TAKE IT and are TAKING IT. Wake up snowflakes. Oh who am I kidding, as long as Hollywood keeps telling them homosexuality and abnormalities like Dunham are normal that makes normal things racist, misogynist, and all the -ists… in their own special heads! When did We as a nation turn into a Nation for Everyone? NEVER, and it’s not going to happen here in the USofA or any other country in the world! So grab your pearls, curl up in a ball and gouge your eyeballs out, WE are done hearing about it.

  2. I wonder whether RedEye or the Greg Gutfield show would like to put together a weekly 5 minute segment called “Creative Editing by the Other Guys”? Search for, and no doubt find a lot of instances where the news producers have creatively edited an interview or report to show conservatives in a bad light. The segment could show the edited segment and what the whole segment actually showed with the host describing how and why the film or story was cut. Bet it would become the twitter (what used to be the watercooler Monday talk) rage.

  3. Hillary needs to quit aligning herself with Americans. She is a traitorous leech, stooping to the lowest level to enrich herself.

    ‘This is not who we are!’ Thank God we are not like you, Hillary. And thank God we don’t have you in the White House selling America to the highest bidder.

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