Dems Reduced to Mindless Chanting and Old Folk Songs – IOTW Report

Dems Reduced to Mindless Chanting and Old Folk Songs

The indications of extreme mental duress on the left is all to evident in their leadership.  Besides Chuck Schumer (NY-D) being reduced to tears recently, we were treated this week to Elisabeth Warren (MA-D) leading a chant at the airport and Nancy Pelosi (CA-D) having a sing-a-long her fellow ding-a-lings in the House.

Watch the chant fail Here

Listen to them mangle Woody Gutherie Here

That’s what the loyal opposition has to try to stop the Trump Juggernaut; chants, songs and tears. 

22 Comments on Dems Reduced to Mindless Chanting and Old Folk Songs



  2. You would swear we are back in the late 60’s with VietNam hanging over the nation. The hysterics of the left are so over the top in regards to the circumstances that we see. So they lost the presidency in this election cycle. Its not the first time this has happened and not the last either.

    No, I believe that the underlying cause of all of this unrest is not at all dissimilar to the cause of the rioting in the 60s. Back then, you would have thought it was the needless bloodshed and destruction but no. When our soldiers made it home they were called baby killers and spat upon. No, it was not the war itself that was the focus back then.

    The real objective in my opinion was and still is the destruction of the federalist United States and the establishment of the Socialist States of America and you can see the same actors and their acolytes prodding and urging on the rioters and protestors. Sadly we are facing a revolt from the socialists and communists who seek to destroy our nation.

    So when the leading democrats start singing stupid songs they are trying to get in front of the movement and regain some control that hey have lost to the Soros types who are really pushing those protests. Making fools of themselves is nothing new for democrats. While we snicker we need to remember what is really going on though. I hope at some time we can find the ones who are sponsoring the violence and prosecute them. The nation needs to know why this is happening. Its not about policy or EOs.

  3. Big Gun,
    If you haven’t, do some research in Antifa. A European terrorist group that was formed in 1924. What a joke. Well they’re very active in Europe. And now there here. Financed by Soros. They’ve been discussed here but make no mistake, that’s our enemy.

  4. They are in a panic that the country will move back toward it’s Constitutional moorings. That endangers their most holy sacrament, abortion, and that animates their most solid core constituency.

    They have got the “dumb cunt” vote locked down solid, what with their brainwashing that preys on idiots who cannot think anything through to a logical conclusion.

  5. These fucktards can’t even turn on their computers to do their jobs where I work at. Constantly calling me for support. Yet they have degrees that seem to disagree them when it comes to constructive thinking and the way the world really works. What a bunch of derpy chimpanzees. And then I sit back and think, job security! Bingo! I work with and for morons. HELLO! Is there anybody in there? Thank god breathing is a motor function or else they’d forget to do that as they come to in the morning as well. Pppfft.!!!!

  6. @Inigo – a liberal lady I worked with years ago that was supposedly “one of the smart ones” came to my desk a few minutes after 5:00 (even though I wasn’t in IT but because I was the only one left). She said the IT people had left her a note while she was in a meeting that they repaired her lap top and put it back into her docking station, but she couldn’t get it to come out of the docking station.

    I told her I would take a look and when I got to her desk, the electrical cord (120 VAC) for the docking station was laid across her keyboard with the plug resting on top. I told her the station wasn’t plugged in – she said “yes it is”. After a few seconds of trying to explain it to her, I just plugged it into the wall and told her to press the eject button.

    Voila! She was amazed at how I knew so much that I could “fix it” so easily LOL. She made about the same as I did, but sometimes there is a valid reason for the “gender pay gap”.

  7. @Bubba’s Brother
    I know what you mean. Everyday, it’s a new adventure. And the liberal and lame just don’t get it, because they really think they’re saving the world. But that’s why we’re never without entertainment from them. I just smile and say have a nice day. And then it’s on to the next patient. Keep the faith brother. Maybe someday they’ll see the light. We can only hope and pray.

  8. Where have all the old folksingers gone? Gone to the graveyard, everyone… And those that aren’t dead yet like Peter, Paul and Mary etc. will soon be there as well, and I won’t miss a single one of them. I used to love folk music back in the 60’s and 70’s, now it just makes me sick to think I once believed (or thought I did) all that utopian kumbaya crap. And Cat Stevens AKA Muhammed something can join them as well. And about Basketball Jones, I always thought it was Bassetball Jones at least the way I heard it. Love the references to Cheech and Chong whom I don’t find funny anymore because I’m not stoned now like I was then listening to them back in the 70’s. And besides Firesign Theater is still funny, I can still laugh at them.

  9. Pathetic. Absolutley pathetic!
    Hey Liawhatha! Yer doing it wrong!
    Yer sposed to put the megaphone up to your mouth and speak into it! Not wave it around!

    That looked like a religious service of Orthodox Trigglypuff Losers, Shitpickles and Fugawis led by squaw Warren Piece.

  10. You youngins need to stop harassin yer elders. First you can’t remember where you left your keys. Then you can’t remember where you left yer house. Then you can remember yer first one digit phone number, but not yer .. uh … uhm …. SHUT UP AND DO WHAT I SAY!!!!!!! I mean MEAN!!!

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