Sanders – “The Right To Access To Healthcare Doesn’t Mean a Damn Thing.” – IOTW Report

Sanders – “The Right To Access To Healthcare Doesn’t Mean a Damn Thing.”

We’ve often derided the left by saying “the right to pursue happiness is guaranteed by the constitution. The left wants a guarantee to happiness.”

Sanders pretty much confirmed this leftist philosophy during his healthcare debate with Cruz.

Cruz said that access to healthcare is a right. Sanders countered —  “you want to buy one of Donald Trump’s mansions? You have access to that as well. Access doesn’t mean a damn thing.”

You see, the government not putting up roadblocks for you to pursue whatever it is you want to pursue is not enough. The freedom Donald Trump enjoyed, which is available to everyone, produced a mansion for Trump. Sanders believes there was an unfairness at play and Sanders-style government is going to correct that for you.

I agree that when costs skyrocket access to a costly product becomes unattainable for many. Sort of like how I am being priced out of healthcare insurance because of the Affordable Care act. Costs have risen for me so that the left can give free insurance to their voter base.

Nothing unfair about that in Sanders’ world.

9 Comments on Sanders – “The Right To Access To Healthcare Doesn’t Mean a Damn Thing.”

  1. Socialism is a lie. PERIOD.
    “Guaranteed” healthcare is a chimera.
    To facilitate that would necessarily assume that all doctors, nurses, &c. are willing slaves to the bureaucracy.
    Foolishness or Fantasy?

    (none but ragheads are fighting to get INTO socialist countries – real people are fighting to get OUT)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Happiness


    Definitions of these concepts are key. Happiness is not a place or a thing. It is the result of acting. That is we are happy while we are doing something and especially so if we see it to be worthwhile.

    Bernie equates happiness as being or having ‘something’. I can tell you that the process of acquiring something is more fun that after you have achieved it. That is why when you give someone everything they are unhappy. Bernie’s notion of providing happiness is doomed to failure due to human nature.

    Healthcare and its meaning has been perverted by the left into a womb to the tomb mentality not unlike being held close by momma. Used to be you sought healthcare when you were sick, or injured. Costs were low because people only went when things were serious. Now, healthcare is a nanny with people going to the doctor or ER for the sniffles, hay fever, and every other minor malady that used to be dealt with at home. We have effectively turned healthcare into a parenting group. People use their healthcare to deal with every kind of problem imaginable. There is no sense of self reliance at all left in our society.

    Everyone has ‘access’ to healthcare in an emergency. No one can be turned away from an ER if they come for care. Thus, no one is without healthcare despite what the democrats say.

    You cannot gift a society with happiness and you cannot soothe every boo boo with healthcare. The largest portion of both are reliant on the abilities and decisions made by the people. You can be happy because you work hard and you set goals for yourself that are achievable. You can take care of yourself, eat right, don’t smoke, don’t drink to excess and get plenty of rest and live a longer life. You do not need a doctor to tell you to cut back on fatty foods and if you cannot make that decision for yourself you are probably not ready for adulthood no matter how old you are.

    No Bernie, there is no way you can be Santa CLaus……

  3. Everyone makes the same mistake (on purpose?) equating health care with health insurance. If you need health care, you can get it -regardless of your ability to pay. Then there’s that “Hippocratic Oath” that doctors subscribe to, which is different than the “Hypocritical Oath” that politicians usually take.

  4. The Bernie Workout Routine

    Raise right hand face high, keeping right hand slightly closed and pointing upward, palm forward.

    Lower right arm noticeably, say the word “Free,” then extend arm to the right.

    Do it with me now.

    Arm up, lower, “Free,” sweep.


    Arm up, lower, “Free,” sweep.


  5. Bernie: President Trump earned his mansions. How did you get your THIRD high cost house? Especially on the income you declared on your income tax!!!

    Access means having a free market instead of a government run debacle monopoly!!

    The politicians just wont hear the rattles of warning, of the conservatives who LEGALLY ELECTED President Trump. Like an awakened rattle snake, we are damn tired of being poked at, pushed, stomped upon and then ignored. Some where, some one is just going to shove back, shouting, “I’m damn tired of it and am not going to take it anymore!”

  6. So in Bernie’s world you say health care is a right which what he is really saying is it should be free. It misses a big point of quality. Which he inadvertently touched on by pointing out having access doesn’t mean you automatically qualify to get the mansion. Having these types of debates is pointless – you start from a false premise that it is even possible for every single person to receive excellent health care (a problem capitalism solves). Bernie is the ultimate hypocrite, a guy with 3 houses living like a king and the only employment he has ever had that provided a regular paycheck is public service. His sycophant followers are too idiotic to realize he is the fake or hoax or whatever they call Trump.

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