‘Sanctuary California’ Bill Risks Federal Funding Cut-off – IOTW Report

‘Sanctuary California’ Bill Risks Federal Funding Cut-off

Breitbart: The Democrat-controlled California Legislature moved forward last week to make California a “sanctuary state,” in spite of a White House threat to cut off federal funds if it did so.

In retaliation for the threat against its sanctuary counties and cities, the legislature is advancing Senate Bill 54 on a fast-track to passage.

Most sanctuary cities and counties around the United States have policies that block local law enforcement from complying with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests, which ask local law enforcement agencies to hold individuals for an additional 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after their release date. The extra time is meant to allow ICE agents a window of time to decide whether to take a detained individual into federal custody for removal purposes.

But the current version of SB54 would actually go farther as an extension of rights to illegal aliens and undocumented workers by denying ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection entry to all local jails, restricting their access to some state databases, and banning all state and local agencies from asking and collecting information regarding any individual’s immigration status.  more


19 Comments on ‘Sanctuary California’ Bill Risks Federal Funding Cut-off

  1. I’m confused. The left here wants this and secession, yet the demtard in the governors office is asking the President for federal assistance due to the drought flooding.

    “You say you are lying, but if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth, but you cannot tell the truth because everything you say is a lie, but you lie… You tell the truth but you cannot for you lie… illogical! Illogical!”

  2. Maybe, just spit-ballin’ here, but if CA hadn’t been spending so much money on programs for illegal aliens, they just might have had more funds available for dam maintenance.

  3. it’s going to end in tears. progressive California tears.

    Can’t wait for Gov moon beam to call Trump for emergency FEMA flood rescue.

    moon beam: hello Mr President, this is Gov moon beam, we need FEMA, the dam broke and the central valley is under water.

    Trump: who is this again? who? California? Sad, very sad. buh-bye

  4. Political grandstanding.

    This will collapse (nationwide, not just CA) when Trump makes clear there really will be a cutoff, and that the Feds are preparing arrest warrants/Federal charges against mayors/police chiefs/councilmen etc.

    The Left thinks it can fight a treasonous civil war with bureaucrats?

    At the start of WW2, some big industrial CEOs initially resisted the Govt commandeering their companies for wartime production.
    FDR arrested the CEOs in their offices, full photo opp, handcuffs and Federal charges.
    The rest of the reluctant CEOs fell into line overnight.

    MAGA. Omelettes sometimes require broken eggs.

  5. So this state can so easily impose on citizens 2nd amendment rights by making it so difficult to just own a weapon and then limit the types of weapons one my have and even the number of bullets a weapon can hold.

    But they go out of their way to protect illegals that have committed a crime other than just entering the country illegally. They are protecting people who are not citizens and deny the federal govt from doing their job which is to protect the border and remove any criminals or illegals from the country.

    They prefer to give rights to non-citizens while at the same time limiting rights of citizens as they exercise their 2nd amendment rights. What a lovely state.

  6. Bankrupt California is going to ask 49 other states for a bailout. One of the main reasons the state is broke is because of all the money spent on illegals’ welfare, education, prison, public lawyers, property damage, theft, and under the table work. So when California comes a beggin, tell them to go to hell.

  7. Tony R – another closely related point is all that stimulus money that disingenuous, lying, Marxist Muzlim Shitpickle said would be allocated for “infrastructure improvements” along with all those “Shovel Ready jobs” his crayon-eating, window-licking imbecile for a VP told us would do the work!

  8. The amount sent to California would easily pay for the wall. I say divert the money to the wall and send the nutjobs in California a big thank you note. In fact, put up billboards thanking them publicly for their support of border security.

  9. They’re insane. I feel for the few patriots who choose to live there but, Cali will be crushed by the federal union if they don’t comply, or quickly turned into second world status if they secede. Lose/lose. Election’s over. Suck it up crazy’s. We subjects had to cooperate with Beelzebama for 8 years. Hell, we’re still reeling. Deal with it.

  10. There’s a parallel Bill to 54. Bill 52. It prevents law enforcement from entering schools or hospitals. To say these crazy Mexicans are out of control is an understatement. But it does help explain why their native country is in the shape it’s in.

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