Top Former Intel Official: Trump Has To Clean House At The CIA – IOTW Report

Top Former Intel Official: Trump Has To Clean House At The CIA

Multiple former intelligence officials told Pollock the whole thing looks like a massive underground campaign inside an intelligence community ticked off at Trump and partial to former President Obama to undermine the new administration.

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Sounds like Trump is going to have to break out the industrial strength cleaning supplies.

13 Comments on Top Former Intel Official: Trump Has To Clean House At The CIA

  1. It doesn’t make any difference how long I’ve been there, or what they do. Send the former seal in to “explain the rules*” to everybody who wants to hang around. Get out, and stay out, and keep your big mouth shut!
    * from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid

  2. There are a whole herd of people at the State Department that could easily be charged with espionage and treason, with what is already known. The CIA is likely the same.

    We have people in these agencies that are putting the interests of another nation ahead of those of America. These people need to go away, and it does not matter how this is done.

  3. These administrations are carbuncles that need cleaning out. Especially those that contain muslim plants, like viruses poisoning their host. Fire them all, then ask questions.

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