Female agents are NoKo’s weapon of choice – IOTW Report

Female agents are NoKo’s weapon of choice

SCMP: North Korean female assassins, armed with good looks and poison tools, are now the weapon of choice for a ruthless regime stalking its opponents, a high-profile defector said on Thursday, after the latest apparent assassination.

Hardy male agents wielding guns or knives have been ditched in favour of their female counterparts, who strike fear into the hearts of enemies, said An Chan-il, a North Korean defector and renowned critic of Pyongyang’s one-man rule.

“We are always mindful of young women accosting us for possible revenge killings,” An said.

His comments come days after the half-brother of the North’s leader Kim Jong-un died in a spy novel-style assassination that Seoul said was carried out by Pyongyang agents.

South Korean intelligence chiefs believe Kim Jong-nam had toxins sprayed in his face as he walked through Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Two women have been arrested over the murder.  MORE

8 Comments on Female agents are NoKo’s weapon of choice

  1. This was amateur hour, first the clothes they wore stood out to make them easy to catch. If real pros the girls would be dead already either killed or suicide capsule. Escaping by standing outside for a bus with a big LOL on shirt is not smart.

  2. His comments come days after the half-brother of the North’s leader Kim Jong-un died in a spy novel-style assassination that Seoul said was carried out by Pyongyang agents.

    His comments come days after the half-brother of the North’s leader Kim Jong-un died in a spy novel-style assassination that Seoul said was carried out by POONTANG agents.


  3. Since TV has gotten so bad we sometimes watch a station that has a lot of asian shows we can’t understand. We mute it and make up our own storylines and conversations. We’re better writers than any of the crap they call “must watch TV.”
    And they’re are a lot of drop dead gorgeous babes on these shows.

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