Majority of Refugees Coming from Terror-Exporting Countries After Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Executive Order – IOTW Report

Majority of Refugees Coming from Terror-Exporting Countries After Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Executive Order

BG: Most of the refugees imported into the U.S. since a district judge halted President Donald Trump’s executive order freezing refugee resettlement and restricting travel from seven terror-exporting countries come from five of those countries, new data shows.

After a federal district judge issued an unusual, nationwide, emergency order halting President Donald Trump’s refugee resettlement freeze on Feb. 3, 2,576 refugees arrived. Of those, 1,549—or 60.1 percent—are from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and Sudan, according to CNS News. Trump’s order banned all refugee resettlement from Syria, froze all refugee resettlement for 120 days, and restricted all migrant travel from seven countries for 90 days. Over half, or 55 percent, of the 2,576 refugee arrivals are Muslim, including 99.6 percent of Syrian refugees.

The regional judge’s order did not affect Trump’s halving of total refugee resettlement numbers, which he reduced to 50,000 for F2017.


11 Comments on Majority of Refugees Coming from Terror-Exporting Countries After Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Executive Order

  1. These Judges are playing a dangerous game. If even one of these refugees turns out to be ISIS or some other muslim extremist (or for that matter a terrorist of any other faith) who manages an attack on the public I suspect the Judges will be forced to resign and all those who were wailing in support of the Judges will then need to keep their heads down and be as inconspicuous as a rock. The breakup of the 9th circuit would be almost guaranteed and I suspect Trumps support would firm up and the Liberals and Dems would own the responsibility for any damage these people do.

  2. @scr_north February 17, 2017 at 11:18 am

    “I suspect the Judges will be forced to resign and all those who were wailing in support of the Judges will then need to keep their heads down and be as inconspicuous as a rock.”

    Yer not from around here, are yee?

  3. @Anonymous; You’re right, I’m from the Great White North where we have our share of lunatic liberal Judges as well. My understanding is that a federal Judge can be impeached and removed from office and if the outroar from the public was loud enough even the liberal politicians would take notice and do something. Then the Judge is faced with a dilemma, either resign (and call it out of principle) and join piles of other faceless judges not remembered or be impeached (or fired, not sure which as a SCOTUS Judge can be impeached, tried and removed by Congress) and removed and have his name and face and stupidity forever enshrined in law texts everywhere. I suspect a resignation would be taken and that’s what I meant by forced. Then again maybe death and destruction isn’t enough to rouse a liberal to do the right thing.

  4. I was glad that Pres.. Trump put this on the judges head(s) a few weeks ago and he addressed the fake news that the “rollout” on the ban was an issue.

    As much as I try to like Neil Cavoto, he keeps pushing that the administration messed up the ban and the chaos in Trumps first weeks.

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