Ryan tours Mexican border on horseback – IOTW Report

Ryan tours Mexican border on horseback

TheHill: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) spent part of his tour of the U.S-Mexico border on Wednesday with Border Patrol officials on horseback.
Video surfaced Wednesday afternoon showing Ryan riding a horse during his visit to the southwestern border; the Speaker did not appear to be wearing a riding helmet.
Make your own jokes. Here’s the link.

24 Comments on Ryan tours Mexican border on horseback

  1. Where has Ryan been, wasn’t he aware of the illegal immigration issue when he actively approved and funded all of Obama’s requests to pay for all the relocations, medical care, housing, food and electricity of illegals??
    Was he aware of all the illegal immigrant crimes and their victims?

    He was all -go along to get along- with Obama, he’s an obstructionist against Trump.

    A Progressive Boehner light and no supporter of Trump or the American voters.

    I’m sure he’s used to it, BUT Didn’t anyone tell him you weren’t supposed to ride on the saddle horn?

  2. He has been in congress for decades advocating open borders and this was his FIRST time touring the area.

    That is the problem. When you see or live near the border you have an entirely different perspective. The fact we have such detached, out-of-touch, rich, protected elitists advocating policies they will never have to reap the consequences of and they don’t even due the minimal due diligence to see what it is they are impacting is outrageous and unacceptable.

  3. Not only should Ryan have worn a helmet, he should have had his pony tethered to one of those little roundy-roundy things that makes sure your horse can only go in a little circle. Safer for him.

  4. How nice. They arranged a nice pony ride for Obama’s “baachi boi”.

    And look, friendly cameras! What a surprise.

    Once Trump has settled in and Uniparty Ryan has exhausted his transitional usefulness, it will be a pleasure watching Trump dump him and replace him as Speaker.
    I won’t be surprised when some well funded MAGA challenger beats him in a primary.
    Maybe as early as 2018.

  5. Who writes shit like this? Didn’t look at the video but he was either wearing a helmet or he wasn’t. Can’t they just write that instead of “the Speaker didn’t appear to be wearing a riding helmet.” I’m sure that if I did watch the video it would appear he wasn’t wearing a cup either. And in his case, neither one is actually necessary.

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