I defended Bush for 8 long years – not anymore – IOTW Report

I defended Bush for 8 long years – not anymore

For 8 years Bush said, “as a former president I’m not going to comment on future administrations,” giving the socialist president, Obama, a free pass.

Now, suddenly, he is chatty, and his cookie cutter answer has been abandoned.

I guess Trump doesn’t fit the mold of “compassionate conservative,” the horrendous term coined by Dubya.

I guess Trump is not down with the “New World Order,” the term daddy Bush used to signal to his comrades that the United States was open to socialist change on a global scale.

He’s going to join the pig pile on our current president, the one trying to reverse the course of the last 30 years and get us listing away from the left, because he’s hawking a book. Shameful.


ht/ just al




54 Comments on I defended Bush for 8 long years – not anymore

  1. I was going to buy his book because it focused on wounded warriors but I just can’t now. I am beyond disappointed with him only because he was quiet for 8 years while Obama bashed him–then he should still stay quiet. He is dead to me.

  2. as conservatives, we tend to give bush a pass since he followed clinton / gore, was immediately blamed by the left for 9/11 even tho he was only in office for 8 months and the attack was conceived during the previous administration that could have taken out bin laden

    but, to take one issue and focus on the bush failure, look at illegal immigration, nothing done during his admin to stem the tide, and you can see that the bushes always have pandered to the hispanics, to our detriment

  3. All the Bush Clan are NWO hacks. I don’t like nor respect a living or dead one of them. Their concept of Noblesse Oblige is warped into the Socialism expounded by the New World Order, and which boils down to what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.

  4. And don’t get me started on the religion of peace crap he pulled.
    Yeah, 8 years of silence and smiles with 0bama in office wrecking shit. But all of a sudden, the timid church girl finds her voice to sing, right? I wonder if Laura and Mike 0bama hang out, too.

  5. I never liked dubya. I thought he was an open borders, media butt kisser. He loved his mainstream media. He hated Tom Tancredo, who wanted to enforce the nation’s immigration laws and deport illegals. Dubya was pushing hard for amnesty for illegals. He loves hillary, and obama. While emperor obozo was driving the country in the ditch, Bush had a million different things to criticize him for (and help the ‘conservative’ cause), but since agreed with everything obozo was doing he showed us how classy he was by being quiet. He is at core a big liberal and of course he hates Donald Trump, so now all of sudden dubya is on the talk show scence. HE SUCKS

  6. I remember when he said he’s sign an “assault weapons” ban if it was put on his desk.

    I’m hesitant to admit that I voted for him the second time. The first time I didn’t because I figured NOBODY would vote for Gore. But my hatred of the traitor Kerry was stronger than my disgust with this progressive NeoCON.

  7. For all I care he can go help Jeb work his mobile taco stand; and Carl Rove too. Those limp dicked twangs did us no favors by letting the MSM beat them senseless for eight years.

  8. Dick Cheney should have been the President back then.

    Like MJA said, those 2 border patrol agents he didn’t back up, shameful. There were many more instances like this – not standing up for the troops he sent to the Middle East into those God-forsaken places! And also the very people that worked for him – like Scooter Libby. Hung out to dry!

    I would stand up for W all the time to people in my liberal state and kept expecting W to stand up for all of us Conservatives. He did not. Not once. He’s a weak puke. There. I said it. A Mamma’s boy! And Mamma runs their messy roost. >:(

  9. Why doesn’t he ever paint his mom? Oh that’s right, because she’s already on the Quaker Oats boxes.
    Yeaaaaah that’s right. I said it and I never liked her.

    Parker- Ugh. I totally forgot about that dipstick, Karl Rove.

  10. Don’t ever forget that shrub was handpicked to run for President by the GOPe, Chamber of Commerce and other assorted globalist entities! And just like his daddy he continues to work for and on their behalf!

  11. The proceeds of a book will not wash the blood from his, his father’s and Obama’s hands or the memories of thousands of families who lost their sons and daughters through a half-assed prolonged war where the military’s hands were tied with rules of engagement, politically correct directives, corrupt payments to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan leaders and inept political leadership at the Presidential, pentagon and agency levels. Was our Military ever given the orders, directives and resources to win ?

    Thus far what has been gained for the payment of our best and brightest US Military lives spent in the battles of the Middle East?

    Was our payment in the form of hundreds of thousands of islamic refugees who will not assimilate, rape, murder and continue their quest to subjugate the West through the teachings of their false religion and false prophet? Is this the new world order they speak of?

  12. I spent 8 years defending Bush while my husband deployed 3 times to Afghanistan and Iraq. All this while living in New Jersey, so I lost all my friends. We really do feel betrayed by George W. and the whole Bush clan.

  13. “A bedrock of our freedom is the right to worship freely.”W

    Talk about UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT, George:
    1) Since THEY are NOT U.S.A. citizens, they are NOT entitled to OUR Rights.
    2) THEY will DESTROY that right of OURS the moment they can.

    Go convert and wear your burka proudly, you dhimmi-sh!t-head.

  14. Let’s look at the facts.
    Trump thundered in.
    Your old man slipped in the coat tails of The Gipper
    You squeaked in twice
    Your brother got his ass handed to him in a guac bowl
    A wee bit jealous are we?

  15. Unprincipled spineless coke-head…. barely more tolerable than Obama…..I wonder if the powers that be who got him elected did so jst so he could be the left’s whipping boy?

  16. No recent R loved his country above self. None of them, EXCEPT REAGAN. And teh GOP despised him.
    If Reagan had not prevailed when he did, the country would have suffered from Carter thru maybe Dukaka then Clinton… we would have been obamaed before that fag moose would have even been old enough to run for POTUS.
    Enough already. We must ALL know defend the first POTUS in a long line that actually wants this country to survive its enemies and its own vile stupidity.

  17. George was a squishy “liberal” from the start – but he still had more character than Gore and Obola, combined. Also a Globaloney-ist, though he still was an American before all else.

    Sometimes we choose the lesser of two evils.

    He still should sit down and shut the fuck up – regardless of CHEB!’s thrashing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. So much for his high regard and respect for the office. He kept his mouth shut for 16 years first as the media/democrat whipping boy and then for 8 years while Obama destroyed the economy, military, VA etc. and he makes it just a month before bashing a republican POTUS ruling conservatively.

  19. Ramos and Compeon had their sentences commuted by Dubya just before he exited office. Sounds nice, yet it also means the men cannot work in their chosen profession that they spend half their lives perfecting. For the crime of doing their job. It wouldn’t have happened if they were pardoned. Try to convince me Dubya wasn’t making an example out of them.

    I knew back then that Dubya was going to royally piss me off one last time before he left office and he did.

  20. My brother didn’t vote for daddy George either time. He couldn’t bring himself to vote for someone who would sell us out to the UN.

    Sonny George didn’t get his vote either. He said, “Like father, like son.”

    He was right when W tried to force Texas to follow international law regarding an illegal alien they were going to execute. W lost and they fried the murderer.

  21. The Bush family is so desperate to get back in office I wouldn’t be surprised if they ran the dog for president. I wouldn’t trust a Bush dog but I’m sure it would be smarter than Jeb.

  22. It seems many people are succeeding in remaining conscious when attacked with the magic voodoo of “racist!”. (Sorry, Rachel Dolezal, etc.)

    It seems some are succeeding in remaining conscious when attacked with the hoodoo magic of “veteran!”. (Sorry, John McCain, etc.)

    But how dare people remain conscious when attacked with the numerology magic of “9/11!”? (You go, GWB!)

  23. Bush’s first screwup was when he didn’t tell the Chinks to piss off when they did a mid-air ramming of our Navy P-3 Orion patrol plane that was SEVENTY MILES OFF THEIR COAST. Instead he fucking apologized to the Commie Chink industrial feudalist warlords running that giant shithole.

    He also should have court-martialed the fucktard officers on that plane for not ditching in the ocean to prevent the plane and it’s secret electronic & sensor technology from falling into hostile hands.

  24. Never liked or trusted ‘Dubya’ since, sometime after he announced his candidacy, that he “deserve(d) to be president ‘cuz my daddy was president.” I heard that arrogant, egotistical remark and said to self, “No way will I support this creepy goof!” Then, one day, he choked on a pretzel(?)…too bad the SS was so close!

  25. The press throw a shoe at him. The press just excoriates him for 8 years and he took it lying down. You go after Islamic terrorists in a foreign land but you’re afraid to defend yourself? WTF? He let Obama bash him with blame for eight years. I bet that was done with a wink and and a nod to George with a wink back.

    And now that PRESIDENT Trump won he decides to open his Bush hole and let the bullshit fly? What a disloyal hack.

    Tuesday. Let those deserved epithets fly!

  26. The entire 8 years of his administration the “Press” used him for a punching bag. He was stupid he was a draft dodger and on and on. He never said peep! He never defended himself or his administration. The we have to listen to the biggest Loser in history slam Bush for another 8 years. Now we have a President that won’t lay down and let the “press” destroy him. Thank God for Trump! All the Bushes can go F OFF !

  27. The bailouts are what opened my eyes to the “reaching across the aisle” white flag of surrender by the Bush administration. I got wise fast about elitists covering each their butts.
    Bush continued his RINO fest when Obama was ravaging this nation and Bush had nothing to say about it – not out of respect but comradery. Holding hands with the Saudis and recently letting Mooch aka Sassie smother him in kisses and hugs confirmed W was a traitor.
    Now W is hating on Trump, a U.S. president actually trying to look out for the American people. Petulant bad move.
    George W and the Bush clan is ruining the facade of a “compassionate conservative” without any help. Anybody still supporting this RINO, NeverTrumper is blind to the truth. I was done with George W in 2008 and should have had a clue during the Elder Bush’s compromised presidency.

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