BLM activist receives restraining order for targeting cop’s home – IOTW Report

BLM activist receives restraining order for targeting cop’s home

Ferguson responded to reporters’ questions by saying, “Great is Allah.”

Breitbart CA- A restraining order was issued against Black Lives Matter activist Trevor Ferguson after he went to Los Angeles Police Commission President Matt Johnson’s office and home.

Testimony in the hearing for the restraining order revealed that Ferguson “barged into Johnson’s 10th floor law office, angrily confronting Johnson’s law partner.” The testimony indicated that Ferguson took “about 20 other Black Lives Matter protesters” with him when he went to Johnson’s office and that he “then went to Johnson’s home with a group of activists two days later.”  more here

10 Comments on BLM activist receives restraining order for targeting cop’s home

  1. remember, as you observe obama and company try to build an effort to delegitimize / overturn trump at every turn, while you recall the 8-year disaster that just about brought america to her knees, while you watch the pro-criminal-hillary / anti-trumpers riot and inflict violence against conservatives

    this is what they want, a continued collapse into a state of anarchy, atheistic / amoral behavior and perversity, divisiveness, failed economy, neutered defense, kill cops and babies, etc

    the left is the biggest enemy that we face, ahead of islamic terrorism itself

    they are the scourge of the planet, and if they ever were to succeed, they would expose our flank to everything that is evil, and the final collapse of civilization

    they have no concept of right versus wrong, their world is upside down

  2. I clicked the link and some dumb white girl is holding a
    sign-black lives matter—why do white people do that?
    I have black friends but their lives don’t matter to me any more than my Asian-Mexican neighbors. and no I won’t say all lives matter because they don’t. Prove to me that your life is worth my time and maybe I will be your friend otherwise- go away-leave me alone and worry about
    yourself…. stupid people piss me off….

  3. Every day it becomes more and more obvious that the Communist party has become stronger, bolder and enabled by Jeremiah Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, Communist-Organizing Maladroit Marxist Muzlim Mallard, the democRats, the complicit Media and their foreign supporters. There is a time in the very near future that they will be confronted and it will not be pretty!

  4. Every day it becomes more and more obvious that the Communist party has become stronger, bolder and enabled by Jeremiah Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, Communist-Organizing Maladroit Marxist Muzlim Mallard, the democRats, the complicit Media and their foreign supporters. There is a time in the very near future that they will be confronted and it will not be pretty!

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