Kid’s opinions are not needed for me to form an adult opinion – IOTW Report

Kid’s opinions are not needed for me to form an adult opinion

Honestly, I don’t like bringing kids into the political process.
I’ve listened to her opinion, and that’s all well and good, and I appreciate the sentiment, but we don’t need kids to weigh in on these decisions one way or the other.
Adults are all that is needed to make the correct call about mixing of the sexes in the bathroom.

11 Comments on Kid’s opinions are not needed for me to form an adult opinion

  1. Using children in any serious attempt to add to political heft is ridiculous, especially when the coach/handler is just off camera. I never let my children watch any tee vee program in which the children were portrayed as smarter than the adults.

  2. Few things set me off more than political exploitation of children. Innocent babes are not savants.
    They are here to learn, not instruct. Any advertisers or politicians using children otherwise are abusing children.
    I get the “out of the mouths of babes” thing. Kids sometimes say things that are brilliant. But not everything they say are brilliant and mostly they need an education.

  3. With how nutty and judgmental the Left is anymore it is unfair to the kids to have them give a political opinion on camera.
    These innocent kids don’t realize how the Left will hold a grudge for years to come, and will try to get even someway.
    Leave them out of politics, even though their thoughts and concerns are well-grounded and well-founded.

  4. If a child’s thoughts are so politically important, why don’t we reverse the voting age?

    You can vote until your 18, then you have to let the next children run things.

    What could go wrong? They are natural geniuses, after all.

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