Mark Levin Lays Out Devastating Case Against Obama Adminstration – IOTW Report

Mark Levin Lays Out Devastating Case Against Obama Adminstration

And here’s Mark straining a vein in his neck on the Hannity Show.

11 Comments on Mark Levin Lays Out Devastating Case Against Obama Adminstration

  1. I’ve watched it twice. I am convinced he has the facts to support his case. I’d always believe Marc Levin before any Democrat defending Clinton or Obama. There are a lot of rats scurrying around the Black Hole of Obama right now. If this can be proven, Levin needs to recognized as a great American patriot for bringing down the most odious traitor in our country’s history.

  2. The “other” Journolista in her own serious
    hot Hot HOT water from msNBC Bloomberg Gaurdian crowd due to her own reporting coming back Back BACK to trap Trap TRAP, ha Ha HA.

    Louise Mensch… watch your close associates with one eye open Open OPEN. Twixt a Rock, a Clapper and a Hayden.
    Sharp needles that don’t deliver ink. Sucks to be you.

    P.S. She of msNBC Mika Mensch witch brewers cauldren cabal.

    Popcorn with Popcorn Sprinkles

  3. Levin may have valid points to talk about. But his delivery reminds me of a screeching mother in law. I can’t take listening to him at all. I want to get a pillow and calm him down by pressing it on his face.

    Just one more of my many quirks.

  4. Conservative Review (Mark Levin) bet heavily against Trump by order of his master Cary Katz. Katz is the billionaire bankrolling CR and CRTV. When Obamacare was passed it took over the student loan business. Katz lost lots of money because of that. Katz was backing Ted Cruz in 2016 because he wanted to repeal Obamacare without replacing it. That would have eliminated the student loan provisions of the ACA and Katz would be back in business. This explains why Katz and Levin are NeverTrumpers. It’s always about the money. Unfortunately for them, Trump won. Now CR and CRTV and tanking because they have no audience. Don’t be fooled, Levin’s defense of Trump is about nothing but rebuilding his viewership. I will never forget what a traitor he is. Fuck Levin and all the NeverTrumpers.

  5. @Billy Fuster: If the Dims manage to force Trump out of the White House (by whatever means), the same thing could happen. Vegas is already laying odds he won’t finish this term.

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