Have You Downloaded The American Health Care Act? – IOTW Report

14 Comments on Have You Downloaded The American Health Care Act?

  1. Don’t they have to pass it before I can read it and know what’s in it?…

    Seriously now. Until and if they don’t get the government and Insurance companies out of health care, there isn’t a goddamm thing gonna change…..

  2. With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and that’s how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it can’t be called “insurance,” but that’s what it is

  3. I had Christian Health Care – a Christian charity. It costs $150/mo, has no pre-existing condition exclusion, and only a $500 deductible. But you must incur the cost upfront, and sometimes pay out of pocket, then seek reimbursement. They do pay. I had a surgery they paid for. I believe the ceiling is 100k, but you can pay $25 additional and raise that to 200k if I remember correctly.

  4. This GOP replacement has critical flaws. If Credits are given to people who owe no taxes, taxpayers are buying your health insurance… it’s just another welfare program.

    It doesn’t allow premiums to be raised for Pre-existing conditions. Everyone with HIV and treatments costing 30K/mo will jump in… and the rest of us would have to pay for it.
    So, like Obamacare, it really isn’t insurance.

  5. 8 years to draft a bill and this is what they came up with?
    Still can’t buy insurance across state lines.. we have been lied to again. Nothing is going to change when Rihnos act like democrats. We freak’n won act like it or u will see u in the primaries

  6. “Public Law 111-148 is hereby repealed along with all its forms, taxes, attainments, innuendos, and manifestations. Effective immediately.”

    There. Wrote it for ya!

    The filthy fucking humps are trying to pull another fast one on the American people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. We don’t have enough money to provide health care to everyone! When will people understand that. Do you really believe the government that spends over a trillion dollars a year they don’t have with enormous unfunded liabilities in the future can do this. With the democrats howling about how this will kill children and grand parents the end product will be just as bad as obamacare.

  8. When the health industry provides care at zero cost, then everyone can afford insurance. Until then, there’ll be a cost. You need to come to grips with that. Otherwise, the same arguments for gov’t health care could be used for any other cost of living. Car insurance, house insurance, etc. It’s more the shame that some people can’t afford insurance because of the cost of health care, than it is that those people don’t have enough money. If the gov’t gets involved as it has, no one will ever have enough money to afford it on their own. It will continue to get more expensive. This is how supply and demand works. And that doesn’t have to be solely about an economic function. When someone provides the supply, demand always goes up. It’s human nature.

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