Day Without Women Protest Cannot Function Without Man With Bullhorn – IOTW Report

Day Without Women Protest Cannot Function Without Man With Bullhorn

Listen, I want to make something very, very clear, and this is important.

My headline is in no way a rebuke of women, it is a rebuke of leftist women.

I have women in my life that can run rings around me in the brains, competency, self-reliance and strength department, and they are all right-wing.


The “A Day Without Women” protest, taking place in Washington, DC on Wednesday, was led by a man.

“Before we get started in a few minutes we wanted to let you know why you’re here,” the man in question told protesters through a microphone. “We’re here to be intersectionalists. We’re here to value women. We’re here to [inaudible] trans-people, and we are here to make sure President Trump hears us loud and clear.”

“He is wrong. We have to stop him. We have to speak loudly. Intersectionality is important.”

go to link for video

24 Comments on Day Without Women Protest Cannot Function Without Man With Bullhorn

  1. What the heck is the Global Gag Rule and what is intersectionality? What do women have to do with building road intersections anyway?
    Here in Alabama, all the women in yoga pants and tennis outfits (that they wear even when they aren’t doing yoga or playing tennis) were all out in force and no red to be seen anywhere.

  2. Oh come on! Another day and another leftist made up word? Intersectionalism?? What is that? Honestly I’ve lost patience with you miserable retards. No more virtue signaling, safe spaces, yadda. I am done with your idiotic linguistic parlour tricks.

    Here are two words that were invented in the 1800s. Baseball bat.

  3. I haven’t had such a peaceful day in recent memory. They should do this more often. Over all, it’s for the betterment of mental health, isn’t it? ……… well …. isn’t it? …. Shit!I forgot. There’s no one here to respond.

  4. That’s hilarious. He’s got the bullhorn, mansplaining their women’s protest to them, and some privileged white lady is following two steps behind him with a microphone. You go, girls!!

    No marchers or pussyhats here today. Women at work as usual, including yours truly.

  5. every woman in my shop that is a contributor and competent and has a role to play and is a good colleague was at work today. In other words, all of them. Love my female colleagues!!

    A Day without Stupid Useless Incompetent Screeching Moronic Leftist Brainwashed Unhinged Mentally Ill Women

  6. Oof! These people. Kshama Savant whatserface Seattle Councilwoman is saying today’s march is a just a warm up for May Day when all the anarchists hit the streets in downtown Seattle and break windows at Starbucks. I haven’t seen any news reports yet- maybe it was a bust. Bust, get it? LOL

    I have deadlines and a brain in my head so I did’t march. Too bad so sad.

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