Dill’s Pickle – IOTW Report

Dill’s Pickle

I always heard the dumb rumors about John Dillinger’s dong, that it was gigantic and that it’s in a jar at The Smithsonian.

But I never saw the picture that’s supposed to be the inspiration for the myth. It’s hilarious.

This looks like a still from a Mel Brooks movie.

Firstly, I think it’s positioned a bit off.

Secondly, who the hell dies with an erection? (Wasn’t he shot walking out of a movie? Just what kind of movie was this???)


The picture actually inspired a bunch of comic strips, one of which was, cleverly, called Dill’s Pickle.

We can’t show the rest.

18 Comments on Dill’s Pickle

  1. Talk about rigor mortis, mama mia, that’s a big boner. It does seem like it’s out of positon but who knows. If that was a Mel Brooks movie it would be The Late Great Young Frankenbone.

  2. There are a couple of books that inform writers of the facts of death. Some give the effects of different poisons on the body. Others tell how the body reacts when it is shutting down. These books are to help writers be more realistic in their fiction. If memory serves me, there are two types of death that leave men with erections. One is for a man to have a massive stroke (no pun intended) The other type is from hanging.

  3. @Truffles: You should have been here in the middle of the night when this conversation started. Then you could have said, “It is waaaaaay too late in the evening for a conversation like this…”


  4. Big Fuzzy, you seem to have great knowledge of pictures of male units and such. Just saying.

    When you run a post about wearing vaginas on your head, give me a call. Hmmm, I think I see a post on the way.


  5. A long time ago when I was in my prime i was in the hospital. One morning I woke up like in that picture. There were nurses out in the hall giggling. I was mortified.

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