Why health care policy experts support the GOP Obamacare replacement plan. – IOTW Report

Why health care policy experts support the GOP Obamacare replacement plan.

There seems to be a lot of confusion over what should/will/could be replacing Obamacare.

Some plans which have been floated have been called Obamacare Lite.

Is it?

Let’s let a conservative health insurance specialist weigh in.

-as Dennis Prager said so eloquently “the BEST is the ENEMY of the BETTER“. In other words when you spend all your time screaming for the best you inhibit the progress currently being made on the better and the American Health Care Act is far, FAR better than Obamacare. As Dan Proft also said so eloquently, “instead of WAIVING the flag, help ADVANCE the flag.” This is the BEST shot we have had in 7 LONG years to repeal and replace Obamacare. Please everyone, let us work TOGETHER to get this done! – C. Steven Tucker

Read his analysis HERE.

68 Comments on Why health care policy experts support the GOP Obamacare replacement plan.

  1. Somebody needs to step up and start explaining this better than what is being done. Part of the problem is Ryan is REALLY good at alienating people. He should be calling Tom Cotton and Rand Paul in for some one on one time so he can get them to help sell it.

  2. I realize it’s going to be a long drawn out process to get rid of Obamacare, but I don’t want my representatives to ever thing I’m satisfied until they have repealed it. So I’m going to continue to fuss and be impatient with them.

  3. My thinking is we need to bold and uncompromising. I have no problem walking away from the table and letting obamacare implode/explode/collapse, whatever you want to call it. Of course that will cause all kinds of problems, but it will give us a chance to wipe the slate clean. We are fooling ourselves if anyone thinks there is going to be a phase 2 and phase 3.

  4. Facts.

    We demanded repeal.

    They repeatedly promised repeal.

    They’re now not interested in repeal. At all. Its off the table.

    Conclusion: they lied or have been compromised. No other option.

  5. C Steven, we’ve been lied to so many times, it’s hard to believe anymore. I know what you’re saying and I know that it’s supposed to be coming in several phases, but even in black and white; I still don’t trust our congress.

  6. On that we agree Crool and Claudia but this congress now serves at the pleasure of President Trump and health care specifically is being directed by Dr. Tom Price whom I trust implicitly. Mark my words and the words of V.P. Mike Pence, Obamacare will be repealed by summertime. Pence said April. I hope He’s right and I’m wrong on my summertime estimate.

  7. So McCONnell is more concerned about future political ramifications of repealing Obamacare than eliminating the debacle of Obamacare that no republican voted for but they funded year after year.
    Phase 2 and final Phase three (repeal) by May 2017?
    Do you honestly believe that?
    Don’t blame those of us who don’t trust Ryan and McCONnell, they earned the distrust honestly.
    Ryan and McConnell, poster boys for failed leadership.

  8. “this congress now serves at the pleasure of President Trump”
    Uhhh, BS. Congress (both parties)serves itself first.
    Trump repeatedly called for “repeal” throughout the campaign. Ryan has repeatedly stated “repeal and replace”.
    Which is it, Repeal or Replace?

  9. Constitutional authority be damned, once the Federal Government gets their hooks into anything they don’t let loose. They increase their bureaucracy, personnel, budgets, rules, regulations, taxes and authority — Obamacare, EPA & Education are but a few good examples.

  10. Congress is working what, 8 days next month? How many days do they work any month? With everything that President Trump needs for these deadbeats to get done how in the hell is phase 2&3 going to happen before the 2018 elections? It will not happen. We need to either win now or accept the collapse of obamacare and clean up the debris after. I’m sick and tired of being jacked around on this!

  11. Repeal that piece of shit…COMPLETELY. Flush the fucker, and anything else islammy-bammy did.
    obamacare should only be remembered as the dutch rudder in America’s ass that it is.

  12. What inhibits acceptance or patience for better with a promise of best later. Is their (Legislature) reputation for worse or , at best, only better. Then dead stop. Then reversal back to worse.

    The Demonrats managed to avoid taking slow steps to the mess they created. With one giant step they forced through ObamaNoCare in the middle of the night with 10,000 roots & branches – making it difficult to kill. Kept it alive long past it’s expiration (implosion) date by delaying full implementation on the schedule written into the law.

    From what I’ve read – it hurts like hell when you’re stabbed with a knife, but you risk bleeding to death when the blade is pulled out. Unless, in the words of Porky Pig, you’re berry berry careful. That seems to be the situation we’re in. If they don’t get to better then best, I think, they’re going to find at the next election the prediction of the demise of the DemonRats as a national force was premature. All trust in the GOP will be gone. A little fake news of a rising DemonRat party might be needed to motivate them to work harder to find Best sooner or risk being voted out of office. Many will be. IMO.

  13. One more thing, I’m fed up with trying to find a compromise with these miserable frickin libs and having a bunch of rinos negotiating our position. We are in a damn war and this is only one our our battles. We better start planning one winning.

  14. Steven Tucker,
    Here’s the deal, excluding Cali and New York Trump won in a land slide. A clear mandate. Why no “Political Will” to repeal and replace in one shot. Somebody needs to explain to us WHY. I believe there is a reason but the longer people keep treating us like we are to stupid to understand the more rebellion you’re going to see.

  15. You all need to go over to Cstevens site and read his piece on what he has put together its the best over view I have read on how things are going to shake out. If Dr. Price takes out 1400 items by his self (which he can do) there won’t be much left and it will be easier to get 60 votes to do the full repeal and replacement that we all want.
    And I am in agreement with others I don” trust congress at all, just P. Trump.

  16. Andrew Wilkow nailed it Friday when he said that we have both houses, and they (Republicans) are still acting like they have to play nice with the t.a.r.d.s. (my words, not his). I understand that there are some house rules and such that don’t allow immediate action on certain portions, but damn, grow a set already. Let’s see phase 2 & 3. Quit dick’n around, Paul Boehner.

    Who gives a crap about chucksmuck and senilepelosi, they are immaterial. Lets get on with it congress! This is why we have both houses and what you said you would do. Start acting like it and tell your constituents what you’re going to do. When you have the majority, you don’t have to be secretive to the other side.

  17. “you don’t have to be secretive to the other side.”

    That’s exactly what I’m seeing. However I think there is a viable reason for doing it in phases. I think it has something to do with a shit load of Ocare folks being funded for the nine months. I’ve read this a few times. Is it bull shit?

  18. I understood it to be some procedural rules, Bad_Brad. But regardless, what it was could not be violated. But why isn’t MSM carrying it and we have to find out on conservative talk radio?

    This is George Washington’s fault. 😉 (Lack of payment by congress following the Revolutionary War.)

  19. Geoff C,
    This is like someone giving you the plans for a house but making you guess what the pitch of the roof is. Trump may need to pull his daughter in to explain this shit because our elected officials are worthless.

  20. I’m a very busy woman. As Ayn Rand once said… “I’m interested in politics so that one day, I won’t have to be interested in politics” Today is that day!

    I trust President Trump to repeal obummercare and replace it with a free market system. He will not let us down.

  21. Big Gun,
    The Scum. I read that. I’m still spinning. I’m still pissed. I filed that in the “total morron” file. I imagine they’re not scum when he needs them. Ignore that shit pal.

  22. Bad Brad, as I explained in the article there is no political will to just suspend the filibuster and repeal and replace the whole thing all at once. There is not enough political will to do so in the U.S. Senate and Senate Majority Leader McConnell has stated that he is not willing to do so. Why? Because there are political ramifications for doing so which could easily come back to haunt us in the future if we lose our narrow Senate majority. Just ask Harry Reid. Why expose ourselves to that risk if there is another way forward? And there is.

  23. C.Steven Tucker, with that being said, what are are the drawbacks to walking away from the table and letting the whole thing collapse on the libs? For us to fail in an attempt to fix this is much worse. This lack of political will is going to be our downfall.

  24. @csteventucker — I posted a much more edited version of what you are saying last week, here. That was before the news media and some of the Freedom Caucus members got on all the talk shows. Ugh. I completely agree w/you. Between Secy Price, Trump and Pence, everything promised from the stump will be fulfilled. I would remind everyone here, too, that Trump said that if he runs into problems w/anyone in the Congress he was going to go public on them. He’s maintained his cool up to this point, but if any RINOs think they are going to obstruct unscathed, they have a selective memory regarding Trump’s Saturday morning Twitter sessions. If I planned on running in the next cycle, I’d ponder the fate of others who waged war on our POSTUS.

  25. Joe6pak, the ramifications of waiting are that there will be no individual marketplace next year. We have lost nearly all carriers, only a fraction of the Blues are left. Action must be taken now and frankly it’s WAY over due.

  26. Joe6pack there will be no insurance companies left to buy insurance from we will be forced into single payer government insurance and we sure as hell don’t want that.

  27. @csteventucker — If I am understanding you correctly, the biggest part of the “political will” issue is not so much tied to individual personalities as it is to the changes to the filibuster rules and the so-called “nuclear option” brought about — mostly, but not entirely — by the D’s.

    Imprimus’ last issue was a really good essay/speech on the change to the filibuster rules and how it has created so much dysfunction in the Congress.

  28. This is going down hard. And I’m on Trumps side, no other. I stilll beleive there’s a reason this needs to be phased in. There’s an election in two years, we need to make it count. These people are in incompitent. Especially Turtle boy and Ryan.

  29. My premiums have tippled, my deductible has doubled, my out of pocket had doubled, my co-pay has tippled. I had to go to a more expensive plan because the other restricted me to the local hospital that is so bad it almost lost its accreditation. Raw sewage in the basement, a sky high hospital acquired infection rate, premature discharges, just to name a few problems.

    Throw obama-no-care off the Trump Train ASAP

  30. One thing that I forget to add Joe6 is when obamacare was written
    it was planned to fail and single payer would be the law, us electing Trump stopped that from happening. If HRC was elected we would be on our way to single payer and yes, death panels of that I have no doubt.

  31. @csteventucker: Thank you for your opines, link, and willingness to relate your perspective here in real time. I certainly appreciate it, as I’m sure other’s do as well. Again, thanks.

  32. I live in a rural county and I only have one option right now. I’ve had to change plans every year since this started. Before that I had the same plan for 28 years and it worked well for me. I am already in a situation of no individual marketplace and I’m pissed as hell! If phase 2&3 happen before the end of summer I’ll kiss Mr. Tucker’s bare naked ass at high noon on Labor Day, on camera at a location of his choosing.

  33. Steven, exactly what is driving the political ramifications if Ocare can be destroyed and rates will be dropped and everyone who wants coverage gets it. The question is, why no enthusiasm from the RINOs?

  34. Obamacare can’t be eliminated immediately because a huge amount of subscribers have been funded for the next 9 months. Steven, True or false. John Boner seemed to think it was true. I think most people here would understand that.

  35. Mr. Tucker, that would probably be as tough on your Labor Day as mine (kinda kidding) but the fact is I have zero expectations in our elected officials to get anything done in a reasonable timeframe. I don’t think they have the will to do what is right. We have a war on our hands that we can’t afford to lose and I’m afraid this is one we will lose.

  36. It can be eliminated and will most likely be repealed and replaced no later than summertime. There is a transition period in the reconcilation bill and in Dr. Price’s legislation (which is the template for the final repeal bill) that allows for a smooth transition so that no one loses their health insurance coverage and so that those receiving APTCs – Advance Premium Tax Credits – now, will receive Refundable Tax Credits instead to help them pay for coverage.

  37. Exactly right Abigail.

    Wow. I love AA, and beleive this should be passed but you can’t tell me why. And you can’t defend it in a logical manner. I’m done asking questions. At this point I hope it dies under it own weight.

  38. BB — Without going into all the rigmarole, our R-run congress can’t fully and “cleanly” repeal o-care in the way many people think they can (which is a huge mystery to me as to the aims of the Freedom Caucus), because the filibuster and “nuclear option” rules in existence the way the are now. And that is why the legislation is phased, because parts of it can be repealed (legislatively), given the votes needed in the senate and part of it will take EA and yet another part will need time for the marketplace to catch up with it in order for people to not be caught out in the cold on their insurance coverage. Tom Price has been working on this for some long time. Trump had to take office, hold scads of listening sessions, late night horse trading and all the rest to enable them to come to this juncture. I completely trust Trump on this, and Pence, and most of all Price.

    Check out the recent essay in Imprimus (online) on the essay regarding the chaotic filibuster rules and how they affect legislation. It will help you understand why the bill has to be this way. Bottom line is o-care has be dismantled pretty much in the same way it was passed. It’s SNAFU, but it’ll work.

  39. AA, check your e mail, why it needs to be done this way, specifics, is not an unreasonable request. By nature, Trump voters don’t blindly follow the pack. Nobodies getting shit except for “Trust Us”.

  40. …directly addressing the American people and explaining all of this briefly and simply. We shouldn’t have to read about this in bits and pieces on the internet.

    What many of us are rightly afraid of is Congress coming up something that resembles a nice big cake, only to find out too late that there’s cat shit baked inside. The Rs then lie and say, “Best we could do, chumps, now eat up.” With Ryan/McConnell at the wheel, I dare anyone to say it isn’t very possible.

  41. The gen. public receives info in sound bites from CNN etc., and even though reporters attended Ryan’s presentation, they persistently run straight to Spicer’s daily brief and rehash the same objections that were just explained.

    The R’s, in conjunction with a non-political expert such as CSTucker, should address the nation on “Healthcare-Separating Fact from Fiction” on Fox and lay this out just as you have done. Rather than repeating a “3-prong approach” lay out specifics such as in your article. This would go a long way in quelling fears/outrage.

    We don’t trust congress for obvious reasons. In fact, they should do this with all major legislation and Pres Trumps agenda. Bypass MSM and congress members who relish face time on said news networks. Speaking directly to the American people wil garner more trust and support.

  42. EE,

    I’m with ya.

    Whatever the R’s do, the msm will go all out as never before to blame it 100% on Trump. So he needs to take charge and be the face on this – he alone is the one people trust.

  43. Why not vote on the McCarron Ferguson Act of 1945 Straight up and down vote and lets see which politicians are in the pocket of the Big Insurance Company’s?
    Refundable Tax Credits pull out of me! Still Big Government running health care. Repeal now. Republicans sent it to Obama I think 7 times now they don’t have the balls with a Republican.
    Read the article and frankly an insurance salesman saying believe me we can do this or you will be covered is like trusting all the Rhino’s
    and Dems in Congress. Insurance was better before obama care lets just go back end of freaking story. Sorry life is hard.
    I read the McCarron Ferguson Act 1945 about commerce and Anti Trust.
    Yeh sure all the politicians will line up to change this law.
    More lies.

  44. Their choices will soon be zero if something is not done now to incentivize health insurance carriers to once again reenter the individual health insurance marketplace. correct Stephen wouldn’t
    abolishing all of abamacare create a marketplace like before Obamacare. Don’t remember Insurance companies going out of Buisness before Obamacare?
    Lets face it according to Gruber Obamacare was set up to fail so GOVERNMENT would provide single payer system and Tucker and Trump and Rhinos are playing rite into the same pile of shit.
    again lets vote on the McCarron Ferguson Act!

  45. Got to give it to Democrats they jammed this new entitlement down our throats “Obamacare” and basically lost 1,000 seats.
    Republicans no balls to shove it back in their faces and vote for repeal. Let’s stop playing games Republicans aren’t going to do anything
    A government solution to a problem caused by Government. Great that will work well!!!!

  46. The rich don’t give a crap about healthcare they can pay cash, the poor will get tax credits even though they don’t pay taxes and us the middle class get screwed again. New boss same as the old boss.
    Ryan is so blind to the middle class who have given the both houses and the presidency and they still say they cant fix anything. Bullshit
    they dont want to. If this bill is so great why dont all the republican in congress mandate that they should be covered by it.
    Thinking Trump is going to fix this with Ryan is delusional!!!

  47. Congressman Louie Gohmert 
    (Badass constitutional conservative – TX), appearing on Fox & Friends Saturday morning, reminded America that the House and Senate with Republican majorities, already passed a full of repeal of Obamacare and sent it to Obama’s desk in 2015, and that bill met the requirements of the so-called “Byrd rule,” which allowed for its passage through the budget reconciliation process — meaning that a full repeal of Obamacare could again pass the Senate with only 51 votes and be sent to President Trump’s desk (Obama, of course, repealed the 2015 bill).

    tell me why we need a 3 phase process CSteven Tucker??

  48. I explained that in my article JTucker. McConnell has stated he will not suspend the filibuster. So, they are doing it via regular order. I suspect that’s because they can and they don’t want to be perceived as doing anything outside of the regular order to get this done. So long as they are succesful in doing so I support doing things via regular order. We are Conseratives after all, we should set the example. That stated if this damned thing isn’t repealed by summertime I’m going to raise holy hell and demand that we suspend the filibuster and shove it down THEIR throats in the middle of the night just like they did to us.

  49. we are way beyond niceties!!!McConnell and Ryan aren’t conservatives.
    Didn’t answer any of my questions. thanks

  50. CSteven, I have yet to see anything that convinces me the tax credits aren’t welfare. You’re only getting “your own taxes back” if you paid them in the first place. The situation we have today is that (let alone citizens), we have illegals filing tax returns showing modest amounts of money, then declaring dependents (some of whom may be in other countries) and via EIC and other credits, receive tax credit “reimbursement” for taxes they never paid. Tax DEDUCTIONS I can see for health care. Enlarge the HSA enough to pay them that way. (Which I believe was Tom Price’s published plan) That would put individuals on the same playing field as corporate employees. (Who receive health insurance as an offset against wages, untaxed)

    A good amendment would be to make the credit only 1/3 the cost of the plan purchased, AND NEVER allow it to become a refund BEYOND taxes paid. Oh, And Non Citizens should not be eligible for ANY credit.

    Everything I’ve seen on Pre-existing conditions leaves much to be desired also. We should never be forcing the Insurer to take someone with 20,000/mo in claims, and only able to collect $500, or even $1000. Insurers Insure RISK. They don’t Reimburse CERTAINTY at less than cost.

    All of the commentary says that accepting “Pre Existing conditions” is very popular. Well I’m sure it is. Getting stuff for free always is. But It won’t be sustainable. More importantly, we WON’T see lower premiums if this “Popular” idea is retained. We’ll continue in the death spiral.

    I’m fine with the 30 percent penalty. I don’t think Gov should define it, however.

    If you drop your coverage, when you return, there should be a waiting period for claims, AND you should go into a high risk pool for a year or so.

    Full Repeal later: I’ll believe this when I see it. If the current Bill is any guide, we would never see it.

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