More of this please… Confront every student until they see how utterly brainwashed they are – IOTW Report

More of this please… Confront every student until they see how utterly brainwashed they are

I love this interviewer. He is so calm, steadfast and strong.

He gets these students to see that their progressivism is so ridiculously hypocritical. You can almost see their worldview crashing around them.

I love it, I want more of it.

33 Comments on More of this please… Confront every student until they see how utterly brainwashed they are

  1. And to think there are communities that are considering lowering the voting age. I’m definately in favor of raising the voting age and if you figure out how to force the passing of a civics test or some other way of demonstrating constitutional knowledge I would be in favor of that.

  2. A more fundamental question would be: How did the Government get into the business of telling people how to behave, except as it applies to one of the normal functions of government (i.e., providing for the common defense, promoting public health and safety, collecting taxes, etc., etc.) Refusing to do business with one or another individuals or groups does not fall within the normal purview of such functions.

    IMHO, anyway.

  3. @Brad – Funny you should mention upping the voting age. Just yesterday I was thinking that for fed elections, voters should be eligible for the office. This means you gotta be 35 to vote for pres, 30 for sen, 25 for house rep. Might make campaigns and elections kinda interesting!

  4. @ Bad_Brad
    I see your point. The answer to your question is: business owners and leaders making sense do not have the same entertainment value provided by ignorant bastards having a “come to Jesus” moment.

  5. These children have been indoctrinated by liberal teaches their whole lives. I knew right from the start where he was going. Except I thought it would be the same sex wedding cake.

  6. Uncle Al, Yes, if for no other reason than to let them work and pay taxes for a couple years. They’ll figure out their free loading professors were full of shit. California’s trying to drop the voting age to 16. 16. My mind is spinning. Legalize free pot? Fuck yea, I’m voting for that dude. Far out man. Oops. I don’t think they say that anymore which is another damn problem.

  7. Moe, you’re right, in this day and age requiring competency and knowledge almost sounds exclusionary. It’s a sad state of affairs, isn’t it. It drives me nuts to think about the deadbeats out there that are nullifying our votes.

  8. A Watters World Civics Test. Berkeley College Students:
    Q.Who did we win our Independence from?
    A. I’m not into that, I’m into Political Science, Who, The Russians?
    Q. Who won the Civil War?
    A. Well I have not really studied that, my major is Earth Science.
    Q. Who were known as the Axis Powers?
    A. Was that about Star Wars? I’m not sure. I’m a Psychology major.
    Q. Who is Madonna?
    A. Oh she’s a great talent who gives blow jobs.
    Q. What are the three branches of our government?
    A. That’s the Trinity, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.
    Q. What Is the Law of Our Land, the United States of America?
    A. Well, I’m not into law, but I’d guess, educatedly, of course, being that I am majoring in Environmental Science, that it would be the Department of Motor Vehicles. It seems to govern my life.
    Q. Who gave The Gettysburg Address?
    A. Well, I’m majoring in Gender Studies. I’m not familiar with, what did you say, Gettibird?
    Q. No, Gettysburg.
    A. No. I’m afraid I’m just not familiar, sorry.

    Q. Yeah. I’m sorry too.

  9. Meerkat. There is more than a smidgen of truth. I once heard Watter (Fox News) ask a college student what the 4th Of July was all about, and she said, Firecrackers. parties. And Easter?
    Egg hunting and bunny rabbits.
    A civics test, before being allowed to vote, would rid us of Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and a gaggle of other idiots. Joe6pac is right on.

  10. This was fantastic. Yes we need more of this absolutely and post it everywhere on Facebook and Youtube.

    These college kids have been programmed not to use logic, critical thinking, look at the long results. They are programmed by the left to have knee jerk, crowd think, that looks for the easy, feel good way out. This typically involves stances opposite of conservatives because to be a conservative requires logic, critical thinking, and thought.
    I just love the blank stare and you could see the wheels turning in their mush heads, saying “I’ve just been had”.

    Thank you guys at Wisconsin for doing this. You may have at least helped a few numb nuts to learn what critical thinking and logic is.

  11. The faculty at nearly every US university are 95% liberal dnc communist open borders big tax big government anti-white male feminist fanatics. The poor kids get brainwashed in every course they take — and that is a feature not a bug. Madison of course is a major liberal cesspool and the campus is a stifling comformist angry groupthink bubble right out of 1984.

  12. Along with the use of the phrases far out and boss you forgot using the term bitchin like in, we had a bitchin good time. But that’s probably sexist nowadays. “Far out man, like that’s really boss and bitchin and pass me the Doritoes cuz I’m so baked.”

  13. Madison is the Berkley of the midwest.
    20 square miles surrounded by reality.
    Graduates never leave the city. They can’t even get a job driving a taxi with a Masters Degree because all the driver positions are filled with PHD’s.
    None of them can afford a car so Uber is out of the question.
    Liberal Utopia.

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