Crowder Crashes Cenk as Cenk – IOTW Report

Crowder Crashes Cenk as Cenk

Has Crowder gone too far? Or not far enough?

15 Comments on Crowder Crashes Cenk as Cenk

  1. Its an odd bit of uncomfortable awkwardness. But was needed for the left to see how outrageous their behavior is.

    That would require the left to have the ability to reflect on themselves in a critical way so as to make improvements to their arguments and logic.

    But there in lies the rub- if they could do that they would not be members of the left.

  2. Dr. Tar, my interpretation is that Crowder was ‘in character’. If Crowder would have let Cenk “ask a question” so they could have an actual argument it would have defeated his purpose of mocking Cenk.

  3. It wasn’t clever or insightful. Just rude and obnoxious like a liberal, except, we’re not liberals. How is this stunt supposed to distinguish him from them?

    It almost looked planned btwn them, and that’s not even a little cool.

  4. Aggie’s got it. For this to truly work, Crowder should have gone in there with a better prepared multilayer script to adapt to whatever Cenk threw at him instead of repeating the same thing over, ad hominem.

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