Deaf-ists!!! Professor Calls Curing Deafness In Children ‘CULTURAL GENOCIDE’ – IOTW Report

Deaf-ists!!! Professor Calls Curing Deafness In Children ‘CULTURAL GENOCIDE’

Say What? Professor Calls Curing Deafness In Children ‘CULTURAL GENOCIDE’

“The argument goes like this: the use of gene therapy to cure hereditary deafness would result in smaller numbers of deaf children. This, in turn, would reduce the critical mass of signing Deaf people needed for a flourishing community, ultimately resulting in the demise of the community.”

Ohhh okay, and I suppose we shouldn’t cure paralysis because there would be no more wheelchair basketball games, right?

Story at the link above.

17 Comments on Deaf-ists!!! Professor Calls Curing Deafness In Children ‘CULTURAL GENOCIDE’

  1. This is a perfectly pure example of collectivism: Damn the individual for the benefit of the group.

    And this professor is in the philosophy and religion department? I reject her philosophy and I sure don’t want to go to her church. Shame on you, professor.

  2. basically … she’s just whining that she might eventually lose authority over a group of people
    if I was the last person in the world to suffer the loss of a limb due to medical research into spontaneous limb generation, I don’t think I’d be complaining about the lack of ‘community’ among limbless people

    … in the long run it’s just selfishness that makes some people think their place in the world is more important than others

  3. If folks get jobs, unemployment office workers will be out of a job.

    If folks get jobs, folks that sign them up for their unemployment benefits will be limited to only signing up former EDD employees.

    Just as if folks quit smoking, then anti-tobacco government program employees/programs will be out of a job.

    Works for all liberal agendas.

    Supporting the ‘dependency on the program’ is the ultimate goal of these goons.

  4. Sorry. I can’t hear you. Not kidding. Pretty deaf.
    As a hearing impaired American I find the deaf exploitation industry disgusting. Can anybody read these goofballs with their signing?

    My Left hand is forming a circle of index finger and thumb. My Right hand is plunging index finger into circle. What does that mean, genius signallers😡?

  5. “Deaf children who receive gene therapy to treat their deafness lose this choice permanently, most likely without having had any input into the decision to change their genetic identity — a procedure that fundamentally changes their potential life experiences from those of deaf persons,” Burke laments. “This different identity is directly linked to their altered genetic make-up.”

    Helping deaf children hear is bad. Letting a 4 year old boy turn into a girl is good.
    I really think my scenario #2 more alters a child’s genetic makeup than scenario #1.

  6. I am hearing impaired, hard of hearing we used to call it in the old days. I can’t watch tv without closed captioning. This tnuc should have her eardrums poked with pencils and her fingers glued together. Hey, does anyone know if Netflix has closed captioning yet?

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