Could the deplorable McDonald’s Tweeter Have been Robert Gibbs? – IOTW Report

Could the deplorable McDonald’s Tweeter Have been Robert Gibbs?

That’s what some are saying.

ht/ nm

19 Comments on Could the deplorable McDonald’s Tweeter Have been Robert Gibbs?

  1. That fat slob was probably just about to doze off in his office chair after his second Quarter Pounder with cheese meal when he thought “Hey, I’ll text about the President and no one will know it’s me…mmmm, french fries…zzzzzzz”

  2. No, it was Trump who hired a KGB operative thru an alt-right organization who gained knowledge of McDonald’s security during the Russian sponsored election and tweeted then tried to blame it on the democrats.

  3. I don’t think even Gibbs is that stupid. If he did and there was the slightest chance of being traced to him then he’d have to understand that McD’s would have to very publically fire his ass else face the very real possibility of a boycott that even all-day breakfast couldn’t help. I suspect it’s someone that knew the password and wasn’t very careful with it. I hope to hell McD’s is pressuring Twitter to help with the investigation.

  4. “I can’t boycott mcfuckingdonalds since I don’t eat that shit anyway.”

    You could go there and order food only to find you left your wallet at home.

    Make it a party order for 10 then walk out. Everything with extra mustard so it’s harder to resell.

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