Chaffetz Still Dogging Hillary – State Dept. Still Dragging Feet – IOTW Report

Chaffetz Still Dogging Hillary – State Dept. Still Dragging Feet

The Clinton’s are going down, and not just on skanks.


There is a reason the State Department, years after, is still holding off on giving us documents,” Chaffetz told Fox News. “The more they want to hold them, the more curious we are on what’s in them.”

“Agencies like to brag about how many thousands of documents they’ve given us, but it’s not about the count — it’s about getting 100 percent of them.”

The committee head said his panel plans to investigate the case from “top to bottom” — including investigating the meeting on an airport tarmac between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton in “such close proximity” to the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of the email scandal.

One of the guys with the milk dud head, can’t remember which, said-

“Apparently, Chairman Chaffetz and President Trump are the only two people in Washington today who think we should still be investigating Secretary Clinton. The Oversight Committee can’t afford to be distracted by political vendettas against Hillary Clinton while our constituents are begging us to conduct responsible oversight of President Trump.”

Pretty sure it was Elijah Cummings, the one that squints more and has what appears to be a hotdog pack on the back of his neck.

“I think the Obama White House and agencies were delaying this as much as they could, but there’s no excuse now — we’re going to find out just how transparent the Trump administration is going to be,” Chaffetz said. “There is no doubt — we’re not letting go of this now.”


Please make this happen, Chaffetz.


12 Comments on Chaffetz Still Dogging Hillary – State Dept. Still Dragging Feet

  1. Chaffetz, what a fucking loser. He’s just suddenly decided to get all conservative again. This poor dumb ass just doesn’t know who’s side he’s on. I’m pretty sure he’s not on my side. Plus he has serious homosexual tendencies.

  2. I like how the Uniparty sends out a pairs of Republicans and Democrats to reject PDT’s “wiretapping” allegations. First, it was GOPer Nunes & Dem Schiff from the house, and now from the Senate, we get GOPer Burr and Dem Warner.

    “Nothing to see here, folks. Except some awesome bipartisanship. Ain’t we great?”

    Good thing for PDT that nobody believes a word they say anymore.

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