Secret Service Fail – IOTW Report

Secret Service Fail

Or is it a secret service fail?

Was this done intentionally?


A laptop computer containing floor plans for Trump Tower, information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation and other national security information was stolen from a Secret Service agent’s vehicle in Brooklyn, police sources told the Daily News.

Authorities have been frantically searching for the laptop since it was stolen Thursday morning — and are trying to determine if the thief knew what he was taking or randomly targeted the agent’s vehicle.

NYPD cops were assisting in the investigation but had scant information on exactly what’s on the laptop, sources said.

“The Secret Service is very heavily involved and, citing national security, there’s very little we have on our side,” a police source said. “It’s a very big deal.”

“There’s data on there that’s highly sensitive,” the source said. “They’re scrambling like mad.”

ht/ michele’s big beaver

33 Comments on Secret Service Fail

  1. This just floors me. I hope she’s at least fired immediately.

    I frequently worked with sensitive business info and customer activity data, of minuscule overall importance compared to the info this SS moron had, and I never, never, ever would leave any materials in my car or similar vulnerable place. I had security lock-ups at both my home and company offices and if I wasn’t working on it or transporting it, it was locked up. It never occurred to me to do anything else, and once you build the habits it takes no particular effort or time.

    To repeat: it just knocks me over to think a SS agent wouldn’t take basic and I mean REALLY basic precautions to safeguard this kind of stuff.

  2. PRESIDENT Trump. I know you are fully aware of the powers against you. And you have the power to bury these bastards. I’m getting impatient for you to kick ’em to the curb but I trust your judgement. I know you got this.

  3. I read the account of this someplace else, and it sounds like it was a hand-off to me. The guy “broke in” to the car just to give the woman cover. I’m sure that’s what it was.

  4. Affirmative Action.
    Fire her.
    SS used to have tough physical standards PLUS a strong expectation of being a frontline combat veteran with a proven record under fire.

    Imagine the fate of any of Putin’s guys who left a laptop in a freakin’ parked car.

  5. After 9/11 SS was reasssigned to DHS – needs to be placed back to Treasury Dept. as they’ve become lax/rogue. Bush Jr and global cabal should be most pleased at how they gutted every agency & placed under purview of DHS, the most bloated do-nothing fed agency.

  6. this whole story don’t pass the ‘smell’ test. leaving your laptop in your car … in the Bronx!!! someone just happens to jump out an Uber car, walk up to the agent’s car & snatch the laptop? …. uh huh

    I do believe this is a chargeable offence by the agent.
    haul her in & interrogate the crap out of her … no ‘effin’ lawyers either … this is a national security offence
    she don’t sing … ship her ass to Gitmo for waterboarding

    I am phuckin’ serious!

  7. Round-up Valarie Jarret, the Muslim Brotherhood Operative, Barack H. Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood Operative, John Podesta Pedophile at large, and Hitlery Rotten Clinton, the Muslim Brotherhood Operative, this “extremely careless” U.S. Secret Service Agent and SWEAT THIER ASSES FOR A WEEK in the Tin Box @ The World Renowned 5 Star GITMO Isolation Therapy Center. Anyone want to take bets on who would squeal first, or last?

  8. There’s something funny about this. The Tower floor plans and evacuation or general information (even if sensitive) aren’t critical in that that the tower can be exchanged for another location (however much of a pain in the ass) but the Clinton files are something else. If the hard drive was encrypted with a decent algorithm and password(s) then regardless who has it it’s not going to be easy to crack. On the other hand if this went past simple incompetence then whoever snagged it probably has the password. It’s fun to speculate that the notebook was stolen so that Clinton could find out just what the DOJ/FBI has on her.
    In any event the agent has to go either out or into a cell, whichever is appropriate.

  9. Obviously as much of an ‘accident’ as the McDonald’s tweet. Plus that combined with the incident with Trump’s grandson getting his picture taken by SS while he was sleeping, it seems to me some housekeeping is in order.

  10. I hope DJT still has his original security team with him. Dan Dibango (or what ever) declared the White Hut no longer safe. Trump needs to call in some serious muther fuckers. Next time someone scales the White House fence they die on the lawn. Not roam around for 17 minutes.

  11. Any decent hard drive encryption requires at least TWO keys to unlock – one is a daily key that can be obtained using a program and the other a machine-specific key that has to be obtained from a server and leaves a paper trail. Not only is the hard drive encrypted, but you have to enter a userid and password to boot, and moving the drive to a different computer that you CAN boot still doesn’t let you read the drive. If someone manages it, it’s almost certainly an inside job. It would take serious computer power to break the encryption.

    Both HP and Dell laptops have chips in them that phone home any time they’re connected to the internet, and probably other brands too but I can’t personally verify that. A stolen laptop will give its IP address and it’s pretty easy to narrow down where it’s located.

    The SS used to be the elite. Now, not so much. President Trump should NOT trust any of them, he should use his own people and F*CK the SS’ hurt feelings, they’ve publicly dropped the ball. And Ivanka should never ever fly commercial again, the libtard who accosted her could have just as easily been an assassin. I fear for all their lives. Stop messing around, Mr. President, and take these assholes seriously. They want you gone, by any means necessary.

  12. Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.

    The previous administration took this philosophical razor, forged it into a two-handed claymore, and used it to defend every liberty-slaying action it took.

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