Travel Site Board of Director Has a Face That Gives Me Motion Sickness – IOTW Report

Travel Site Board of Director Has a Face That Gives Me Motion Sickness

Chelsea gets a toni crony position with Expedia, a resume builder, so that she can run for office in a couple of years.

Go HERE to see the caption that goes along with this picture.

It’s worth it.

ht/ MBB

31 Comments on Travel Site Board of Director Has a Face That Gives Me Motion Sickness

  1. I guess 404 is better than looking at her mug. Pppfft. But I get the picture, Val jar is helping soros do damage control from obamas toilet. While podesta makes pizza and risotto.

  2. It’s time for the American people in all States to step up and deny these scum political office. We’ve got to change. First off we’ve got to destroy the media as it is and and and and oh what the fuck!

  3. I thought she said that she did’t think a lot about money. What: can’t keep up those payments to your condo in NYC??? The Clinton Foundation is running out of money?

  4. Reminds me of the story about a guy named… oh let’s call him Marc, that goes to the doctor cuz his johnson started looking so horrible.
    The doc takes one look and sez: “Good Lord man, whadya been doin with it!”
    Marc sez: “Ah sticks it in beans”
    Doc: “Whut kind of beans!”
    Marc: “Human beans!”

  5. We ain’t worthy of the gift that is Chelsea Clinton. She had a gig on NBC (I think, or any other one of those fake news). Between that “job” and this new one, she even “wrote” a book and became a Twitter warrior, keeping us posted about her culinary skills, such as spinach pancakes. That’s her resume, and people will vote for her one day.

  6. Her parents have so much money she will never have to face reality: The country is effin sick of the Clintons. We want them to go away. Ms. Hubbell has no talent, brains, character, experience, appeal, or natural ability. If she wants to accomplish something, she should stay home and raise her children.

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