Tomi Lahren- in December she air quoted the term “pro-choicers” and called abortion murder – IOTW Report

Tomi Lahren- in December she air quoted the term “pro-choicers” and called abortion murder

In her own rant she says government shouldn’t force you to have to pay for abortions. Isn’t that the limited government part?

35 Comments on Tomi Lahren- in December she air quoted the term “pro-choicers” and called abortion murder

  1. We don’t understand the battle? WTF?
    She is wrong and a hypocrite and she was on Twitter not 3 hours ago doubling down!
    The View knew this video existed, that’s why they brought her on.
    She stepped in it up to her shoulders, dude. lol
    She wasn’t even smart enough to say, “I had a change of heart” or anything. She just jumped in.

  2. Obviously she should be enemy number one on IOTW. Hey, your the brainiacs. I’m sure you got this shit dialed in. Your wasting time, energy, and focus. Just sayen pick your freaken battles better. This battle is a loser.

  3. Watch the video and tell me if what she said doesn’t contradict what she said on the view.
    Then ask yourself why she didn’t say why she feels that way now instead of calling pro lifers hypocrites when she agreed with them, vehemently, just weeks before that.

  4. The View touted her as a rising conservative star in her intro, and she calls pro-lifers who are conservative hypocrites.
    Her reasoning?

    Please explain it.

    I’ll take the image on of her standing in “her truth” down when she explains how one is a hypocrite and for “big government” if you’re pro-life.
    This is a worthy battle.
    It’s Supreme Court battle worthy.

    I was against Glenn Beck way before it was cool to do so. I trust my own instincts. I’m pretty good at rooting out bad actors.
    Lahren is either stupid or she is telling you straight out she thinks anyone not wanting to pay for abortions on demand is the enemy.

    I find your defense of her weird.

  5. What I am saying is that this isn’t about pro-choice or pro-life.
    I’m not condemning her for being pro-choice, like the left is saying.
    I’m condemning her for not understanding the fundamental battle about the government forcing pro-lifers to participate in abortion by making them pay for it.
    It takes effort to be that fucking stupid.

    Her mistake was trying to justify her pro-life stance by couching it as the correct conservative position in terms of government intrusion. It’s a fundamental fail and someone that stupid should not be touted as our “rising star.”

  6. You want it explained? No problem. Look for her to soon be the host of Major News Network. An extra 9 figures on your paycheck will make most people rethink third beliefs. Sad,because if true,it means she is no better than most Liberals.

  7. I can’t play the video. Who’s taughting her as our rising star? She has a huge following on the medias I’ve quoted. All positive for the conservative agenda. Why the attack? She is simpataco with you and me?

  8. No, she is not simpatico with me.
    She doesn’t understand what limited government means.
    She doesn’t understand that the current fight with abortion is that the government is trying to force us to pay for it.
    She calls herself pro-choice (which is fine) but goes on to say she is pro-choice because as a “constitutional” and someone for limited government, she’d be a hypocrite to not be pro-choice.

    You do the math.

    Getting this fundamental on conservatism so wrong is frightening and I’m backing away until she displays a better grasp of the basic battles we are having.

    When Joy Behar tells you to “go out and tell these republican and conservative women what you just said, ” you fucking failed.
    Big league.

    And yes, the failure is big enough to un-anoint her as any sort of “rising star.”

    She has an out, and I’m giving it to her.
    She should say, “of course I do not believe anyone should have to pay for someone else’s abortion. I failed to say that part on The View. And when I said “hypocritical,” implying that pro-life people can’t be conservative, I really didn’t think that one through and I apologize.”

  9. I was surprised to see this piece.

    I hope for clarity on one puzzling assertion:

    How is it “government overreach ” to regulate abortions, yet OK for governments to interfere with other actions that the majority deem wrong. Like murder.

    I think I am conservative; yet I expect laws to be made and enforced by governments. With oversight by the judicial bfanch.

  10. I am anti-abortion. I am for limited government. I believe that it is unconstitutional for the Federal Government to force me to pay for someone’s abortion. By the same token, I believe that it would be wrong for the Federal Government to ban abortions. That is, and should be, a States’ rights issue. Despite a probable lack of clarity on her part, I’m not sure that Tomi and I are in disagreement.

  11. If it’s a life then protected by 4th.
    If it’s not a life then still protected by 4th.
    No person shall be deprived of life liberty or property without due process.
    Baby does not get a day in court to defend itself, therefore denied due process.
    If it’s a thing then the man is being denied his property without due process.
    What? The tissue doesn’t belong to the man? Science deniers! It takes two to tango, always has and always will, no matter how much science tries to “recreate what has already been perfected.”

  12. “Wunderkinds” like Lahren…I’ve learned, the hard way, to be leery of. And didn’t Beck discover her? Another reason to back away and watch with a skeptical eye. To to BB’s point about her being young and hot and able to attract other youngsters – who gives a flip if the message she is sending out is garbage?

  13. I seriously don’t know who the blonde is. But watched just enough to hear her say she couldn’t care less if someone wants to or has had an abortion.

    That’s all I needed to hear, and stopped the video.

    Anyone who says what she said is (obviously) NOT anti-abortion and is, at best, liberal-tarian. No one who is openly OK with child murder, as she said she is, can be trusted on anything.

  14. Don’t follow her but she seems intelligent enough to know the Internet is forever. I saw the clip from The View and thought she was well spoken, knowledgeable and held her own. I didn’t condemn her stance of pro-choice, but geesh pick a lane!
    I tend to ignore anyone associated with Beck (Loesch/Lahren) and refuse to click on links from The Blaze. You’re judged by the company you keep.

  15. “Why should Tomi get a free pass on a really bad high profile media event?
    Cause she’s hot?

    Just just ha-weird.”

    Really? So by your logic it’s a terrible thing for young hot Tomi to go forth a recruit or create more conservative voters in her age group. Your logic is flawed.

  16. Regardless of who pays for the actual abortion, when it comes to control, is the government more in your life with or without abortions?

    The government has more control of your life with abortions than without, IMHO. Look at all the regulations from the people to the equipment to the technology to the legal battles. How many government organizations had to sign off on the coat hanger the doctor can use to pull the baby out of the womb? I’m generalizing, but you can see that when a procedure exists as a legal thing to do, government is there watching and regulating every single step of the way.

    As opposed to not having abortions as in they don’t exist, or exist in a much smaller non-mainstream subset. That would free up government from your life a hell of a lot more than retaining abortions as “the thing to do.”

  17. No, Brad.
    it’s almost like you don’t understand the issue and why people are pissed at her.
    If she’s going to recruit people into the conservative fold by saying pro-choice is the conservative way because that’s the “limited government avenue” I don’t want her recruiting anyone.

  18. Okay Brad, you win.
    New rule on iOTW.
    If you are pro-life, get the heck off this site, you hypocrites, because you are not for limited government.

    I’m a Tomi disciple now.
    She’s recruited me.

  19. I can’t follow all this cuz I don’t really think she’s that hot and she’s kind of annoying (the few times I’ve run across her).

    That being said (written), one cannot be “pro-choice.”
    One is either pro-abortion or one is pro-life – there is NO middle ground.

    “I would never kill my children, but I would never interfere with your right to kill yours” and “I don’t hate Jews, but I would never interfere with anyone’s right to gas them” are similarly boneheaded statements attempting to hide one’s amorality behind a screen of sophistry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. “If you are pro-life, get the heck off this site, you hypocrites, because you are not for limited government.”

    That’s a reach. Can you be Pro Choice and still believe the Tax Payer should not fund it?
    And by the way I’m probably Pro Life but like I said last night, as bad as it sounds if not for Planned Parent Hood, we’d be swimming in predators. That may not sound NICE, but it’s true.
    As far as rating conservatives, if I can go down a list of say 100 qualifications to define a person as conservative and find one or two points where they don’t conform to the agenda I’m personally not throwing them out of the club. She is swaying a lot of young people our/my direction.
    I was shocked she got a job on the Blaze in the first place because early on she was Pro Trump. I’ll take her over Dana Lash (as she calls herself these days) any day.

  21. Sanctity of life. Period. Not quality or quantity. It’s not up to us to deny life based on what could be, on what they may become. Not our place.

    Life is precious. To say otherwise is to say that we are our own god. We decide who lives and who dies based on a whim. That’s dangerous ground.

  22. Congratulations to Bad-Brad {“And by the way I’m probably Pro Life but like I said last night, as bad as it sounds if not for Planned Parent Hood, we’d be swimming in predators”}
    You just convicted and condemned an entire group of people without a trial.

    Way to go buddy, how many people did you just deny due process?

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