Everything We Need To Know About Khalid Masood – IOTW Report

Everything We Need To Know About Khalid Masood

He was Muslim. That’s all you need to know. The story writes itself after that bit of information.


Everything we know about Khalid Masood, the London attacker-

Who is he?

Scotland Yard said the man, shot dead by police and “responsible for the terrorist attack in Westminster” on yesterday, is 52-year-old Khalid Masood, who was born in Kent.

Police said Masood, who was born on Christmas Day 1964, was also known by a number of aliases. He had been most recently living in the West Midlands. Masood is accused of killing three innocent people in yesterday’s attack.

Photographs of him being treated by paramedics emerged yesterday and showed a man of Asian appearance who sported a beard.

Detectives had delayed disclosing his name to the public for “operational reasons”.

Was he on MI5’s radar?

Officers said that Masood was “not the subject of any current investigations” and added: “there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack.”

Masood, killed by police as he tried to storm parliament, had come under the radar of MI5 some years ago as a “peripheral” figure in a terrorism investigation, Theresa May told MPs earlier today.

Paramedics seen here treating both Pc Keith Palmer and the attacker just yards from the Palace of Westminster.
Paramedics seen here treating both Pc Keith Palmer and the attacker just yards from the Palace of Westminster. CREDIT: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA

Does he have previous convictions?

Yes, Scotland Yard said he was known to the police for a series of previous convictions. However, he has not been convicted for any terrorism offences.

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said: “He was known to police and has a range of previous convictions for assaults, including GBH, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.”

Masood’s first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last conviction was in December 2003 for possession of a knife.

Does he have links to Isil?

The Islamic State terror group claimed Masood was one of its “soldiers” in a statement released through Isil’s Aamaq news agency today.

Isil has been explicitly threatening attacks on Britain for the last 18 months. At the end of a propaganda video claiming the Paris attacks in November 2015, Isil singled out the UK as its next target.

21 Comments on Everything We Need To Know About Khalid Masood

  1. “don’t cower”

    “it’s not who we are”

    “we will not let this stop us”

    “the religion of peace”

    “lone wolf”

    “hijacked a great religion”

    “love your islamic neighbor”

    “this is not islam”

    blah blah fucking blah

    we are all sitting ducks, folks, you’re kids are not safe anywhere

    the left is the true threat to mankind, they won’t protect us, they yield security in the hope of regaining control and power by importing dysfunctional cultures, terror and mayhem

  2. @Richard P. Not counting the marine corps Beirut bombing, the execution of Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich 1972, the seizing of US embassy in Tehran 1979, Blackhawk down in Somalia during Bush 41, uss cole during Clinton ….. and on and on.

  3. George Dubya Bush.
    I defended this chimp from leftist attacks, only because they attacked him for the wrong issues.
    GWB is a simpleton, a fucking idiot, and he’s wholly responsible for this “religion of peace” garbage.
    The left was right. The man is a moron.

  4. @bfh.
    And what did GWB urge Americans to do after 9/11? He told us to go shopping. Go about your lives. If you don’t go shopping the terrorists win.

    He should have capitalized on the American spirit like FDR did after Pearl Harbor. Give us a role. I know FDR gets criticized for the Japanese internment camps, but it was smart until we understood the nature of the enemy. We have more mosques in this country now than before 9/11. They’re building a mega mosque 15 miles from here. This is bullshit.

  5. The religion of peace meme was always a head scratcher to me, until I heard an imam explain it just recently. When everyone converts to izlam there will be peace. Until that happens there won’t be peace.

    Never mind the Sunni vs Shia lack of peace.

  6. “He was Muslim.” End of story. It’s tough to contemplate, but we simply cannot abide having Muslims living among us, for all of them are required by doctrine to work toward subjugating everyone and everything to Islam. Not all will wantonly kill, but most who don’t will celebrate the wanton killers, even as they work to have sharia law overthrow civil law. We can’t have this! No more Islam! Few of us will agree on this. So far. But how can we protect relentless enemies who will never stop until we are all converted, dead, or have surrendered to subjugation?

  7. They were very quick to add “He was born in Kent”, as if to say “don’t use this terrorist attack as an excuse to stop massive immigration, and refugees”. I am sick of this “home-grown terrorist” meme. I don’t care, he is a muslim and we (and GB) don’t need any more!

  8. that EMT’s blue-gloved right hand is placed in the wrong spot.

    It should have been in one of two places:
    *Choking the living shit outta that Filthy Mohammedan Savage
    *Covering the Filthy Mohammedan Savage’s mouth and nose, smothering the shit outta him

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