Another car plowed into 4 people in London – IOTW Report

Another car plowed into 4 people in London

“They” say it’s not terror related.

How do “they” know? Because the people are white, no beard? They aren’t Muslim?

Well, what does that say?

If they can rule out terrorism right away by looking at the people, they are sorta saying that only certain people commit terror, no?


ht/ The Big Owe

21 Comments on Another car plowed into 4 people in London

  1. Wondering how accurate the reports are that they were white? They found a large knife there too. Obviously these people were not participating in the “Save a life, turn in your knife” campaign.

  2. I have noticed a pattern after these events. The first people to a microphone (Mayor, Police Chief, etc) ALWAYS say something similar to “we don’t have any information on the perpetrator or his motivation, but this is not an act of terrorism”.

  3. I have the impression from the news that there are quite a few white islamists in London. In fact that white adherents are particularly violent, often traveling to the Middle East to fight for their newfound faith. Certainly not the numbers of Arabs or Africans, but plenty.

  4. There used to be great songs:
    “Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner, that I love London town.”
    “Chicago, Chicago, that wonderful town.”
    “New York, New York, a hellaof a town.”
    Not no more baby, just sanctuary shit holes, with commie mayors.

  5. Well, after a few centuries of exporting the most adventurous and industrious, and a couple of big wars to kill off the best of who stayed, the collapse of the gene pool in Britain was inevitable I guess.

    Diluting what’s left with the dregs of humanity won’t help, but, at this point, may not hurt much either.

    It’s really hard to feel sorry for them. As I recall they won the right to keep and bear arms as part of the “common law” ensured by Magna Carta. . . and let the government take it away. Then, they won back the right as part of their Constitution after their civil war. . . and let government take it away. I may be wrong on this, but this is what my understanding has always been.

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